Bodybuilding can be a great activity for teenagers for many different reasons.
Certainly developing your body can be great for your confidence no matter how old you are.
Teenage bodybuilding can present some challenges and things to be cautious of as well.
Let's look at some of the pluses and minuses of bodybuilding for teenagers.
Let's get this basic thing out of the way right up front.
You should go get a physical from your doctor and get his view on the proper diet and exercise to start out with.
Jumping into bodybuilding if you have not been active physically recently is not the way to get started.
From a growth standpoint teenagers bodies are not done growing until they are at least 15 years old.
For others it could be several years before you are doing growing.
So you always want to be cautious of paying attention to what your body is telling you.
Eating right is big part of bodybuilding for teenagers and all bodybuilders.
As you begin to lift your body will require more calories.
If you are a junk food eater you will need to stop that.
Load up on fruits,vegetables, whole grains, red meat, fish, and more proteins in general.
Drink a lot of water and always keep yourself hydrated.
When you start lifting hire a trainer.
You need to learn to lift correctly to avoid injuring yourself.
A trainer will help you develop the proper form and keep you realistic as well.
Teenagers may think they are superman and go overboard when they really need to start lifting weight at a reasonable amount for their size and ability.
Let's address supplements.
First of all do not take steroids.
You can result you want without putting your body in danger.
Go for natural supplements like a good multivitamin, protein powders like hemp or whey, fatty acids and glutamine.
When you are training start out slow.
This is another benefit of hiring a trainer.
3 times a week is plenty when you first start out.
It is important that your body has time to recover between workouts.
Also it is important that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Even more if you can get it.
Teenagers tend to stay up late and if you have school the next day you need to change your sleep habits.
Your body will quickly adjust to what you ask it to do.
If bodybuilding is important to you this is one change you must do.
Teenage bodybuilding requires you to do the same things as adult bodybuilding, but in greater moderation until your body is fully developed.
Certainly developing your body can be great for your confidence no matter how old you are.
Teenage bodybuilding can present some challenges and things to be cautious of as well.
Let's look at some of the pluses and minuses of bodybuilding for teenagers.
Let's get this basic thing out of the way right up front.
You should go get a physical from your doctor and get his view on the proper diet and exercise to start out with.
Jumping into bodybuilding if you have not been active physically recently is not the way to get started.
From a growth standpoint teenagers bodies are not done growing until they are at least 15 years old.
For others it could be several years before you are doing growing.
So you always want to be cautious of paying attention to what your body is telling you.
Eating right is big part of bodybuilding for teenagers and all bodybuilders.
As you begin to lift your body will require more calories.
If you are a junk food eater you will need to stop that.
Load up on fruits,vegetables, whole grains, red meat, fish, and more proteins in general.
Drink a lot of water and always keep yourself hydrated.
When you start lifting hire a trainer.
You need to learn to lift correctly to avoid injuring yourself.
A trainer will help you develop the proper form and keep you realistic as well.
Teenagers may think they are superman and go overboard when they really need to start lifting weight at a reasonable amount for their size and ability.
Let's address supplements.
First of all do not take steroids.
You can result you want without putting your body in danger.
Go for natural supplements like a good multivitamin, protein powders like hemp or whey, fatty acids and glutamine.
When you are training start out slow.
This is another benefit of hiring a trainer.
3 times a week is plenty when you first start out.
It is important that your body has time to recover between workouts.
Also it is important that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Even more if you can get it.
Teenagers tend to stay up late and if you have school the next day you need to change your sleep habits.
Your body will quickly adjust to what you ask it to do.
If bodybuilding is important to you this is one change you must do.
Teenage bodybuilding requires you to do the same things as adult bodybuilding, but in greater moderation until your body is fully developed.