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Baby chicks are shipped when they are a day old.John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Inform the receiver about the date you are planning to ship the baby chicks so they can make arrangements with their post office. Baby chicks should be shipped on a Monday and should arrive to their destination within three days. Baby chicks are mostly shipped through priority mail or express mail. - 2). Fill up the baby chick shipping box with some good quality alfalfa or grass hay. This will ensure good footing and will successfully absorb droppings. You may place a heat pack under the hay in case you will be shipping during cold weather.
- 3). Place the day-old baby chicks in the box. To ensure warmth, you may have to ship a minimum of 15 to 25 chicks at once. This may vary though depending on the weather. Hatcheries like to add in one or two extra chicks to make up for any losses during travel.
- 4). Attach to the box instructions on how to care for the baby chicks once they arrive home. Many chicks do not make it the first days because the new owners fail to feed and hydrate the chicks properly or are unable to provide them with the right temperature. Some chicks develop ''pasty butt'' from the stress and may not survive unless cleaned up properly.
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Chicken Require Gentle HandlingJupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Use appropriately sized plastic crates with good airflow. Calculate that each bird must be able to sit comfortably in the crate, and chicken should not be sitting on top of each other. Good transport chicken crates must come equipped with water and food storage accessories. - 2). Provide food and water to the birds before placing them in the coop to be transported. This will ensure they leave well-hydrated and fed. Even though food and water will be provided in the crates, there are chances that feeling stressed may cause them to refuse to eat and drink.
- 3). Fill up the water and food storage containers, and gently place the chicken in the plastic crates. Some crates are made in such a way that they can be stacked on top of each other. Load the truck with the crates and make sure the chicken are protected from wind, high and low temperatures and inclement weather. The chickens may now start their journey.
How to Transport Day-Old Baby Chicks
How To Transport Adult Chicken