Everyone enjoys his or her right to privacy.
This statement is especially important when is comes to making duplicate keys.
Just imagine the danger a company can be in if just anyone was able to have a duplicate key into the front door.
That is why patented keys are so vital.
But what do you do if you need a copy of that original key? It is even possible? First of all, yes it is possible to make a copy of any key.
The difficult part is getting the permission to do so.
Business owners especially can thank the restricted process.
Not just anyone can make a copy, and your locksmith has the right to deny anyone the right to a duplicate.
Keys that are blocked from copying may say "Unlawful to Copy", "Do Not Copy", or "Do Not Duplicate".
In order to make a copy of the key, the owner must go through a detailed process.
First, he or she must write official permission on a letterhead that states the key that is being duplicated and how many copies are needed to be made.
Other information that must be included is the name of the person or persons picking up the key and also the name and phone number of the person composing the document.
Then the person or persons picking up the key(s) is required to fill out a "request a duplicate" form.
Once all of that is complete, the process of duplication may take place.
Making a key copy of a patented key is not as easy as it seems, and for good reason.
Professional locksmiths are here to help consumers from their keys getting into the wrong hands.
If you need to make a copy of your key, call a professional locksmith today.
This statement is especially important when is comes to making duplicate keys.
Just imagine the danger a company can be in if just anyone was able to have a duplicate key into the front door.
That is why patented keys are so vital.
But what do you do if you need a copy of that original key? It is even possible? First of all, yes it is possible to make a copy of any key.
The difficult part is getting the permission to do so.
Business owners especially can thank the restricted process.
Not just anyone can make a copy, and your locksmith has the right to deny anyone the right to a duplicate.
Keys that are blocked from copying may say "Unlawful to Copy", "Do Not Copy", or "Do Not Duplicate".
In order to make a copy of the key, the owner must go through a detailed process.
First, he or she must write official permission on a letterhead that states the key that is being duplicated and how many copies are needed to be made.
Other information that must be included is the name of the person or persons picking up the key and also the name and phone number of the person composing the document.
Then the person or persons picking up the key(s) is required to fill out a "request a duplicate" form.
Once all of that is complete, the process of duplication may take place.
Making a key copy of a patented key is not as easy as it seems, and for good reason.
Professional locksmiths are here to help consumers from their keys getting into the wrong hands.
If you need to make a copy of your key, call a professional locksmith today.