Many adults today think nothing of making sure that they get their morning intake of caffeine before they are prepared for the day.
It just seems to be the norm in today's society that people just cannot function without their daily blast from either Red Bull, Coffee, Coke r any other caffeine induced drink.
This psychoactive drug works by attacking our central nervous system and as such it can work in a similar way to many of the hard core drugs that are actually illegal in today's society.
Caffeine can have its plus points such as it can release adrenaline into the body when taken just before a work out.
This makes the work out easier to do as it makes you feel stronger and alert.
Caffeine can also be found in many performance enhancing drugs too such as Nitrous Oxide.
Not a lot of people know this but caffeine can be used quite effectively as a pain killer.
It can be found in small amounts in the pain killers that we use regularly.
Such is the affect of caffeine on our central nervous system that it can actually make our brain believe that we need caffeine therefore becoming addicted to this drug.
That explains why when people do not get their daily fix of caffeine in the morning they tend to walk around as though they do not know what day it is.
Just like the many illegal drugs out there caffeine only needs about 3 days to get people addicted to it if it is taken regularly.
So the next time you are out and about having coffee just give this a thought.
It is not only the fact that you can get addicted when drinking lots of coffee but it is also not very good for the weight conscious either.
If you drink a lot of coffee with cream and sugar your body is counting up all the empty calories that these things provide.
With this in mind if you must drink lots of coffee try it black and if possible without sugar, or at least with a sugar alternative.
It just seems to be the norm in today's society that people just cannot function without their daily blast from either Red Bull, Coffee, Coke r any other caffeine induced drink.
This psychoactive drug works by attacking our central nervous system and as such it can work in a similar way to many of the hard core drugs that are actually illegal in today's society.
Caffeine can have its plus points such as it can release adrenaline into the body when taken just before a work out.
This makes the work out easier to do as it makes you feel stronger and alert.
Caffeine can also be found in many performance enhancing drugs too such as Nitrous Oxide.
Not a lot of people know this but caffeine can be used quite effectively as a pain killer.
It can be found in small amounts in the pain killers that we use regularly.
Such is the affect of caffeine on our central nervous system that it can actually make our brain believe that we need caffeine therefore becoming addicted to this drug.
That explains why when people do not get their daily fix of caffeine in the morning they tend to walk around as though they do not know what day it is.
Just like the many illegal drugs out there caffeine only needs about 3 days to get people addicted to it if it is taken regularly.
So the next time you are out and about having coffee just give this a thought.
It is not only the fact that you can get addicted when drinking lots of coffee but it is also not very good for the weight conscious either.
If you drink a lot of coffee with cream and sugar your body is counting up all the empty calories that these things provide.
With this in mind if you must drink lots of coffee try it black and if possible without sugar, or at least with a sugar alternative.