- Biofuels can help decrease our dependence on oil.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Seeking alternative fuel sources is an ongoing project in the scientific community. The creation of hybrid vehicles is one innovation that helps conserve the world's petroleum sources. Projects in the development of biofuels need to advance so that the world isn't faced with oil and petroleum shortages. Ethanol is one such project that provides hope that other fuel alternatives may be discovered. - Global warming is already blamed for shrinking icecaps.Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images
Climate change is one of the biggest issues on which scientists constantly work. Projects may include the speed at which global warming will effect the population, whether there is a way to stop the effects and what the ultimate outcome will be if the problem becomes worse. - Increasing the distance that can be traveled on a space mission will help answer some mysterious questions.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Space Exploration has been an integral part of the science community since before man walked on the moon. Projects involving increased efficiency of space travel have potential to greatly enhance the possibilities for the future. Questions that need answers involve whether there are other inhabitable planets or solar systems. Science projects need increase the distances possible for space travel, as well as projects to determine the composition of possible habitation points. - Developing solar-powered vehicles would decrease emissions.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Technological advances include new products or processes for the future, but can also relate to the energy used to power the products. One project is the developing the technology of solar panels to be used for powering cars, trains and airplanes. Another is the development of holographic imaging to help the medical profession understand increasingly complicated procedures and surgeries.
Alternative Fuel Sources
Climate Changes
Space Exploration
Technological Advances