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Floating Fountains and Pond Fountains Serve a Real Purpose to Keep Your Pond Healthy

In the past year, a good friend of mine was looking at moving into the country, having enough of living within the confines of a major metropolitan area.
He was able to purchase a 14 acre rural setting complete with a pond.
Proud of his purchase, he invited me to stop out and look over the property.
Upon opening the door of my truck, I was immediately struck by the odor of decay in the air.
My friend Jim seemed oblivious to the stench and showed me around the property, proud as a peacock to be finally out in the fresh country air.
After walking around the front of the property for several minutes, we approached the back of the property and the smell was getting worse by the minute.
Then we crested a small rise and I instantly recognized the source of the odor, a greenish-brown algae covered pond! I asked Jim if he noticed the odor from this imitation of Florida swampland and he recognized that this was a major problem to his little oasis, but the land deal included that the former owner would pay to have this corrected.
Jim knew I had done some work with a pond expert in the past, so I immediately contacted him to take a look at the problem.
Kevin told us that aeration is the key for most peoples problems with a backyard pond.
Pond aerators and fountains can create a beautiful and healthy environment for your pond.
Adding an aeration device, a floating fountain or an ornamental pond fountain will provide added oxygen to the water and will control the algae growth.
When the algae dies and is in the process of decomposing, the added oxygen from the aerator allows the decomposition process to occur properly and also provide oxygen for the fish and other aquatic organisms.
By jetting the water in the air, the fountain is not only adding valuable oxygen, it is also helping to break down and disperse gases such as carbon dioxide which is being produced in large amounts from the decomposing algae.
Water movement is a key element in maintaining a healthy ecosystem for your pond.
A week later, Kevin had installed a floating fountain in the center of the pond complete with lighting.
3 months later, the green brown algae growth has virtually disappeared and this pond has become a great place to picnic or spend a lazy summer evening watching the stars.
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