- 1). Lay out your route on the topographical map as a series of straight lines between identifiable landmarks. For example, you may plan a route from a trail head to a hilltop, then to a picnic area, and from there back to the trail head. Draw this route with a straight edge and pencil.
- 2). Place your Silva compass on the map with the edge (the inch scale or the millimeter scale) on the line of the first leg of your trip, and the hinged cover or top of the compass pointing in the direction of travel. Hold the compass in this position and rotate the dial of the compass so that the meridian lines (the parallel lines on the face of the dial) line up with the North-South meridian lines of the map and the letter "N" on the arrow is pointing north on the map. The compass is now set to guide you on the first leg.
- 3). Start your trip from the first landmark (in this example, the trail head). Without changing the setting of the dial, hold the compass flat in your hand and turn until the orienting arrow lines up with the magnetic needle, with the red end of the arrow pointing in the same direction as the red end of the magnetic needle. The sighting line of the compass and the sight (the small notch at the top of the hinged cover) are now pointing in the direction of travel. Proceed in this direction, pausing occasionally to check your direction.
- 4). Repeat Step 2 when you reach the first landmark by placing the compass on the map, lined up with the second leg of your trip, and rotate the dial to the new setting. Continue this process until you complete your journey.