Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean practically living at the gym or starving yourself. It's about making the right choices. Opting for more moderate portions instead of going all out; consciously choosing fresh items and ingredients instead of processed ones; enjoying your meal instead of wolfing it down. Simple things really, but as people from all across Asia, Latin America, and the Mediterranean have known for years, these tips and tricks are the real thing.
Don't skip meals - In Miereille Guiliano's international bestseller French Women Don't Get Fat, she notes that one of the reasons that French women stay notoriously fit and trim is that they eat at least three times a day. Many of us erroneously think that skipping meals helps cut down the fat, when in reality, doing so sends a signal to your body to conserve whatever energy it has left and hoard what it needs to keep going.
Leave multi-tasking at work - Leave your New York lifestyle behind for just a little while. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner aren't things to be ticked off your task list. Eating while you're distracted or pre-occupied by something other than the food on your plate leaves the door open for overeating without your realizing it. Take a break and savor every bite.
Choose quality over quantity - One thing you'll notice when you go for haute cuisine is that the portions are infinitely smaller than the average serving size of your favorite fast food joint. Kick processed food to the curb and opt for high-quality produce, dairy, fish, and meat instead. You'll find that fresh and flavorful food in smaller portions will satisfy you more.
Add a touch of color - The Japanese are said to incorporate five colors into each meal: white, red, black, yellow, and blue or green. These are found in vegetables like onions, red peppers, black beans, squash, and broccoli. Doing so not only adds a splash of color that makes food more appetizing because it is visually appealing, but also allows you to have a variety of flavor without stocking up on the calories.
Keep on the go - Ever notice how people in Mediterranean and Asian countries are generally slim? Apart from their healthy diets full of fresh and flavorful ingredients, they're also quite a bit more active. Get yourself out of the gym and take up cycling, walking or running instead.