- Feelings of alienation and loneliness form the basis for one of the disadvantages of school immersion trips. Immersion is considered an enhanced version of foreign language education. Students are placed where the desired language is the primary tongue of all residents. It can be difficult for some to relearn the protocol and etiquette of another culture. When people become frustrated, it can appear disrespectful and cause peers to pull away. Sometimes the host family also pulls away, increasing feelings of loneliness.
- Another issue dealt with by some during immersion experiences is bullying. Different accents, physical appearances and media images contribute to some having negative or exaggerated opinions about Americans. Political issues can affect how some are treated overseas. Students have experienced bullying in school and the workplace. Sometimes being different can make people stand out and seem appealing to other community members. This can anger those who feel their space has been invaded by a foreign newcomer.
- Immersion trips are advertised as a working vacation -- "Learn new languages while enjoying local points of interest." Some students view studying at foreign learning institutions as a new adventure. Most of the time, it still feels like work. Some immersion students stated their program discouraged students from leaving school grounds. Homework and other projects can interfere with sightseeing trips. Students still must adhere to academic standards. Some must also abide by rules established by their host families.
- Some students experience academic difficulties during immersion experiences. Students may be confronted with an under or overwhelming curriculum depending on the country. Subjects are taught in the foreign tongue, creating a considerable roadblock when students attempt to discuss their difficulties with the instructor. According to immersion standards, students must think in their new language so inquiries in English are not allowed. A communication gap forms the basis for another of the disadvantages of school immersion trips.
Not a Vacation
Academic Curriculum