Health & Medical Mental Health

You Don"t Have to Become a Hog Over the Winter Months by Beating the Winter Blues

One of the saddest and most untrue things I often here during or around the winter months is this: I hate winter because it always makes me gain a lot of weight and I get depressed! Winter time to me is wonderful, there is nothing sad or depressing about it at all.
Everyone says oh it's so dark and cold, and depressing and there's nothing to do.
And these same folks sit around and eat like a Hog and gain fat and get depressed when it's a shame because there is no reason for it.
I am over 50 years old, and last year from the winter months of Oct through Feb, I lost over 15 pounds, yes I lost weight, I did not gain fat.
And I am only human like everyone else, so there is no reason anyone has to gain weight during the winter unless they want to.
How did I avoid gaining weight during the winter months? The exact same way I avoid gaining weight during the spring and summer months.
The simple fact is if you eat the same amount of calories your body burns as energy to maintain your current weight you will not gain, and if you consume less calories then your body needs for fuel, you will lose weight.
Get out in the winter and walk, don't sit inside staring at a cookbook wondering what high calorie foods you can make.
Playing video games and spending time watching TV, requires very little calories to maintain your weight.
Stuffing your mouth like a pig with potato chips and fudge, banana bread and cookies will make you fatter then a hog in a short time.
I eat vegetables, raw carrots, low calorie yogurts, diet jello, and soups all year round, not just in the winter, but every day of every month.
One day a week if I want the junk food I eat it, and for me that's on a Friday.
The sad truth is, a lot of Americans eat the junk food every day, and for some, every meal.
All we have to do is open our eyes and look at the obesity epidemic in our country.
So simply stated, to stop gaining winter fat and beating the winter blues, do something about it.
Get off the couch, bundle up and get walking outside.
If your stuck inside from a disability or for some other reason and find yourself confined to a chair, lift some dumbbells while your watching TV.
Don't sit there stuffing your mouth like a hog eating cookies and fudge, become busy with lifting weights.
Or do some other less strenuous exercises that your doctor says you can safely do.
Open your curtains and let the winter sunshine in, when your shut up inside in a darkened room your melatonin levels increase, which is why you may feel tired and lazy.
When you let the sunshine in, even a little bit of it, your bodies serotonin levels increase.
This is the hormone that is associate with your energetic mood.
So don't keep saying you have to gain weight and experience the blues in the winter, the only reason you do so, is because you allow it to happen.
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