If you are an animal lover, having to use a TASER device on your dog or any other animal for that matter would probably be the last thing on your mind.
However, there are a lot of cases of canine attacks that involves the owners as the victims of their own pets.
Joggers, campers, and even pizza delivery boys are also prone to being attacked by some strange dogs while doing their various activities.
Canine attacks could lead to serious injuries and in some cases, death.
Though we hate to be cruel to animals, our personal protection should also be our major concern.
This is the reason why we carry self defense devices both for deterring human and canine attackers.
The most common dog repellant is the muzzle dog spray.
Using a stun gun or TASER device on dogs can also work.
A TASER device is a non-lethal electroshock weapon that works to temporarily incapacitate an attacker.
It uses electricity to disrupt his muscular, nervous, and motor skills.
It does not rely on pain alone so you can be assured that it will be an effective self defense weapon for you.
In danger of being attacked by an aggressive dog, the device is one humane approach.
Using it is better than actually shooting a dog with a gun which can more likely than not kill it.
Using this device will not kill a dog when you use it as it is absent contributory factors for the dog's death.
This device will not cause permanent damage on the dog.
Using a real gun will hurt him more than the TASER will.
However, the effect of the device will depend on several factors such as the size of the dog, the level of voltage, as well as the way you handled the device.
A typical TASER device may work on smaller dogs.
Rabid and overly aggressive dogs may however require a much stronger voltage in order for you to be effectively protected.
If you aim poorly, you might need to get closer to the dog to apply the stun gun feature of the device.
Going nearer to your attacker is of course not advisable.
Victims of canine attacks support the use of the TASER in deterring dog attackers.
It is after all the most humane way of protecting yourself without hurting the dog in the process.
Your safety is on the top of the list here.
Using a TASER device is a fast and efficient way of stopping a dog from attacking you.
It will cause pain though we may not know up to what extent.
The important thing is you know that it will not cause permanent damage on the dog.
It is not animal cruelty.
It is a matter of you surviving when attacked by a violent canine.
However, there are a lot of cases of canine attacks that involves the owners as the victims of their own pets.
Joggers, campers, and even pizza delivery boys are also prone to being attacked by some strange dogs while doing their various activities.
Canine attacks could lead to serious injuries and in some cases, death.
Though we hate to be cruel to animals, our personal protection should also be our major concern.
This is the reason why we carry self defense devices both for deterring human and canine attackers.
The most common dog repellant is the muzzle dog spray.
Using a stun gun or TASER device on dogs can also work.
A TASER device is a non-lethal electroshock weapon that works to temporarily incapacitate an attacker.
It uses electricity to disrupt his muscular, nervous, and motor skills.
It does not rely on pain alone so you can be assured that it will be an effective self defense weapon for you.
In danger of being attacked by an aggressive dog, the device is one humane approach.
Using it is better than actually shooting a dog with a gun which can more likely than not kill it.
Using this device will not kill a dog when you use it as it is absent contributory factors for the dog's death.
This device will not cause permanent damage on the dog.
Using a real gun will hurt him more than the TASER will.
However, the effect of the device will depend on several factors such as the size of the dog, the level of voltage, as well as the way you handled the device.
A typical TASER device may work on smaller dogs.
Rabid and overly aggressive dogs may however require a much stronger voltage in order for you to be effectively protected.
If you aim poorly, you might need to get closer to the dog to apply the stun gun feature of the device.
Going nearer to your attacker is of course not advisable.
Victims of canine attacks support the use of the TASER in deterring dog attackers.
It is after all the most humane way of protecting yourself without hurting the dog in the process.
Your safety is on the top of the list here.
Using a TASER device is a fast and efficient way of stopping a dog from attacking you.
It will cause pain though we may not know up to what extent.
The important thing is you know that it will not cause permanent damage on the dog.
It is not animal cruelty.
It is a matter of you surviving when attacked by a violent canine.