Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Studio Apartment Decorating Tips

    Keep Only What You Need

    • The first challenge when dealing with a studio apartment is the lack of storage space. There simply won't be room for boxes full of mementos or piles of clothes. Decide what you absolutely must have to get through the day. For instance, create a smaller, more versatile wardrobe by keeping clothes on hand that can be mixed and matched. Anything you don't need you can sell, donate or place in storage.

    Choose Multifunction Furniture

    • Furniture is bulky and takes up a lot of precious space. When buying a piece of furniture, make sure it can serve at least two purposes. A futon, for example, can be used as both a couch and a bed. A small dining room table can also serve as a computer table or office desk. A bookshelf can make a convenient place to store all of your movies, books and music, along with other items you'd like to display.

      If you share the apartment with someone and require privacy, room dividers, drapes or beaded curtains can provide separation and double as part of the room's décor.

    Make It Personal

    • Most landlords won't allow too much modification to their properties. This means you probably won't be able to paint the walls or get new carpet. That does not mean you have to settle for a boring, basic living area.

      Color can make a huge difference in how people perceive space. Lighter colors will make a space seem more open and inviting, while dark colors have the opposite effect. Take advantage of this by adding color to the walls. If painting isn't allowed, try tacking sheets of colored fabric to the walls so you can remove them easily when necessary. Finish the look with framed artwork or photographs. You can also use curtains or blinds to change the room's overall appearance.

      If the standard white or brown carpet in the apartment is boring, but can't be changed, consider buying a large area rug. You can find these in a wide variety of designs and colors, and they will dramatically change the room's atmosphere.

      Add a few candles to the room. Candles come in many different scents, and can change the entire mood of your living space. It's also beneficial that they are small, and can be stored almost anywhere.

      Place a couple of strategically positioned mirrors around the room. This will give the illusion of the area being bigger than it really is.

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