Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Acupuncture Techniques and Infertility

It works by stimulating the central nervous system which, in turn, controls the blood pressure.
Endorphins that take hold of the pain are released as well as neurotransmitters and neuro-hormones, which give a general feeling of well being and act as a healing agent for the body, respectively.
Acupuncture is the technique of fine needles being inserted and manipulated at specific points of the body and it is used to alleviate the pain associated with many medical conditions.
This particular therapy originated in the East and it has been popular for many years.
Acupuncture, alongside other infertility treatments is often used to treat an imbalance of hormones.
When the flow of blood to the vital organs is increased due to acupuncture, hormone levels can be regulated successfully and the ovarian and follicular functions are also improved.
With the use of acupuncture, blood flow to the endometrium can be increased resulting with a thick and rich lining being easily created.
It is suggested that acupuncture may better the chances of success as far as vitro fertilization or IVF, as it is commonly referred to, is concerned and many fertility centers and specialists offer this kind of treatment as an option.
The results of having acupuncture during the transfer of the embryo in the IVF process have proven to be more successful than without resulting in more pregnancies overall.
Although blocked tubes don't respond to this kind of treatment, problems such as spasmed tubes are treatable with acupuncture.
Conditions of FHS (elevated follicle stimulating hormone), hyperprolactinemia (other than when caused by a prolactinoma), luteal phase defect, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with irregular cycles, repetitive loss of pregnancy, sperm -DNA-fragmentation amongst men and those other unexplained cases of infertility can all be treated with a combination of acupuncture and herbs.
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