- 1). Place the cotton, with the paint facing up, on a level surface. Scrape the excess paint off gently with a butter knife.
- 2). Fold several paper towels in half and place them on a flat surface. Flip the cotton fabric over and lay the paint directly on the paper towels.
- 3). Dampen a clean rag with turpentine and blot the back of the stain for several seconds. Replace soiled paper towels with clean ones and continue blotting the back of the paint stain with the rag.
- 4). Rub one to two drops of dish soap into the stain and allow it to soak overnight. Rinse the area clean with cool, running water. Launder as you normally would.
- 5). Examine the stain. Apply a prewash stain treatment if the stain persists and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before laundering again.
- 1). Remove the excess paint off the cotton by scraping gently with the back of a butter knife. Rinse the back of the paint stain with warm, running water for several seconds.
- 2). Fill a small container with equal parts warm water and clear dish soap. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. Dampen a clean, white cloth in the mixture and vigorously blot the paint stain for several seconds.
- 3). Rinse the soapy mixture off the cotton with warm, running water.
- 4). Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all KILZ paint is removed. Launder as you normally would.
Oil-Based Paint
Water-Based Paint