Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Marketing Consistently Brings Consistent Income

Whether you are just starting a new business, or growing an existing business, marketing consistently can bring consistent income so you don't have the ups and downs that are so common to entrepreneurs.
The seeds you plant today will be the fruit you enjoy tomorrow.
Let's go back in time a bit, to show you what activities generated the busy week we just had...
The new client was a result from getting out there in a big way.
Meeting with people, telling them what you do through a clear message is what makes people say, "I need to work with you, can you help?" The paid speaking engagement resulted from a meeting I'd attended last October where I went to see if it was a group I wanted to join.
The meeting was supposed to have a Guest Speaker, but due to weather conditions the speaker couldn't attend.
Instead, the organizers invited a new member to share a presentation she'd done previously.
After the presentation, they created a mini-mastermind where each attendee was invited to speak for 5 minutes to ask for help from the others, where each of us would provide input on ways they could expand or improve their business.
It was one of the attendees from this meeting who recently recommended to an organization that had contacted her, to contact me to speak on the retirement transition.
The unpaid speaking engagement we confirmed was a result from me picking up the phone to a nearby Library, asking to speak with the Adult Program coordinator, and offering to speak at a 1-hour seminar for free.
Since the Library is a non-profit, I offered to speak at a seminar if they arranged it, advertised and promoted it.
I gave helpful hints and suggestions on ways to promote it for low-cost or free, prepared a poster they could use, and coached the coordinator on ways to market this and other seminars they will hold.
Helping others is a great way to build relationships, and giving freely without expecting money in return is a fun way to build your business (and it makes you feel good too!).
The woman I spoke to about a collaboration between our companies, I met through social media.
She held a teleclass where discussion on similarities and differences between marketing in the US & Canada was held.
We're now in discussion on ways to market together.
The former mastermind friend that I reconnected with was someone I'd met at a seminar, who joined the same mastermind that I had.
The person from South Africa who I'd spoken to through a video call on Skype about a collaboration/speaking opportunity is a fellow Retirement Options certified coach who I'd reached out to last summer.
The business meeting I was invited to join was an invitation from two people: a woman who I'd met years ago when our sons played hockey together, as well as from a former co-worker.
And the three potential new clients I'd connected with were, again, people I'd spoken to as a result of getting out there and meeting with people face-to-face.
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