A research carried out lately has shown that old people who daily meet with other people are more healthy, agile, blithe, and chirpy as compared to the ones cornered by their own kith and kin.
This is, indeed, a well admitted fact that man is a social animal, and he only finds pleasure in fraternizing with other people.
It's nearly impossible for an individual to live in solitude and extreme loneliness without hobnobbing among the social circles.
It runs counter to the human nature.
Same goes with the old aged fellows.
Since old people are thought of as children so they always seek some good company.
The ones who get it enjoy it to their fill whereas the others get more on the forlorn side.
I can cite an old lady who lives in my locality.
The travails of life have transformed her into a harridan.
Firstly her son abandoned her, and months after that her husband also jilted her.
Since then she's been vying to make her both ends meet.
She has become an epitome of schizophrenia and autism; a far cry from happiness and drenched in melancholy.
We can find myriad examples of the ilk.
The concept of 'old homes' in the west is a stain on humanity.
People who have been rendering services to the society throughout their lives and have been catering to the sustenance of their respective families deserve accolades, not banishment.
Being a part of this society, it is incumbent on every one of us to help the old people who are leading their lives in misery and dismay.
All they demand is reverence and proper time.
Some words of comfort, a warm hug, a tap on the back and any such gesture which can give them the impression that they are still important for us can keep them in high spirits.
Though moroseness tends to come with senility, but if dealt properly; one can observe a stark difference.
In short it's egregious to abandon old people.
They are an asset to this society.
They are the ones who are responsible for our current positions.
It was their endeavour which made us what we brag of today.
As it is said that 'respect begets respect' and 'hatred begets hatred', so if we overlook our old aged people then we would also be ignored when we grow old.
It's simple 'tit for tat'.
Fear senility for it's really unnerving and irksome.
Be affable to your old fellows so that you may also get just treatment when you turn into hoary headed gaffers.
This is, indeed, a well admitted fact that man is a social animal, and he only finds pleasure in fraternizing with other people.
It's nearly impossible for an individual to live in solitude and extreme loneliness without hobnobbing among the social circles.
It runs counter to the human nature.
Same goes with the old aged fellows.
Since old people are thought of as children so they always seek some good company.
The ones who get it enjoy it to their fill whereas the others get more on the forlorn side.
I can cite an old lady who lives in my locality.
The travails of life have transformed her into a harridan.
Firstly her son abandoned her, and months after that her husband also jilted her.
Since then she's been vying to make her both ends meet.
She has become an epitome of schizophrenia and autism; a far cry from happiness and drenched in melancholy.
We can find myriad examples of the ilk.
The concept of 'old homes' in the west is a stain on humanity.
People who have been rendering services to the society throughout their lives and have been catering to the sustenance of their respective families deserve accolades, not banishment.
Being a part of this society, it is incumbent on every one of us to help the old people who are leading their lives in misery and dismay.
All they demand is reverence and proper time.
Some words of comfort, a warm hug, a tap on the back and any such gesture which can give them the impression that they are still important for us can keep them in high spirits.
Though moroseness tends to come with senility, but if dealt properly; one can observe a stark difference.
In short it's egregious to abandon old people.
They are an asset to this society.
They are the ones who are responsible for our current positions.
It was their endeavour which made us what we brag of today.
As it is said that 'respect begets respect' and 'hatred begets hatred', so if we overlook our old aged people then we would also be ignored when we grow old.
It's simple 'tit for tat'.
Fear senility for it's really unnerving and irksome.
Be affable to your old fellows so that you may also get just treatment when you turn into hoary headed gaffers.