Fear is in the air these days - the economy, the war, global warming, disease pandemics, the fall of the American Empire - and basically, the end of the world.
From foreign policy to personal choices, our habitual responses are often fear-based.
Fear motivates.
What spurs the financial markets? The insurance industry? Applying for kindergarten? Fear.
Without it, terrorists would be out of a job, because no one would be terrified.
The stress of constant anxiety is bad for individuals, as well as cultures.
In the body, stress starts a cascade of hormone reactions that eventually create discomfort and disease.
Even scary or violent movies can be detrimental to people who are already stressed.
The body reacts almost identically to manufactured panic as it does to real panic - with fight-or-flight hormones.
And on a larger scale, those same violent movies, unleashed on global culture, raise the threshold of violence tolerance and create numbness to suffering.
There's enough to fear in real life.
We don't need fear as entertainment.
How can we stop reacting with fear? The same way we would step back from any negative emotion - by understanding that we have a choice.
Fear and worry are emotional misperceptions.
Anxiety is an over-reaction to reality - not reality itself.
If we observe that there are other possible responses, other choices, we can quickly let go of fear.
We energize what we focus on.
When we allow ourselves fearful reactions to the news, we amplify the fear around us.
It's common knowledge that animals can sense fear.
We humans can sense it too.
We just tend to identify it as our own fear, rather than our resonance with collective fear.
Take responsibility for decreasing global fear.
Refuse to resonate with it.
Next time you feel anxious or worried, try this self-healing technique to delete fear.
You'll be doing the world a favor! Your Self-Healing Tip: For just one second, think about something that makes you feel fear.
Now, stop focusing on that issue, and instead, imagine a "delete" button, located on your spine.
(This can be anywhere on your spine.
) Now hit delete.
Feel the fear dissipate.
Making mental contact with your spine will input the delete command directly into your central nervous system, meridian system, chakras and the universal mind.
This technique is based on Chinese Energetic Medicine, and is appropriate to use on any fear, anxiety or worry - as well as any negative emotion.
From foreign policy to personal choices, our habitual responses are often fear-based.
Fear motivates.
What spurs the financial markets? The insurance industry? Applying for kindergarten? Fear.
Without it, terrorists would be out of a job, because no one would be terrified.
The stress of constant anxiety is bad for individuals, as well as cultures.
In the body, stress starts a cascade of hormone reactions that eventually create discomfort and disease.
Even scary or violent movies can be detrimental to people who are already stressed.
The body reacts almost identically to manufactured panic as it does to real panic - with fight-or-flight hormones.
And on a larger scale, those same violent movies, unleashed on global culture, raise the threshold of violence tolerance and create numbness to suffering.
There's enough to fear in real life.
We don't need fear as entertainment.
How can we stop reacting with fear? The same way we would step back from any negative emotion - by understanding that we have a choice.
Fear and worry are emotional misperceptions.
Anxiety is an over-reaction to reality - not reality itself.
If we observe that there are other possible responses, other choices, we can quickly let go of fear.
We energize what we focus on.
When we allow ourselves fearful reactions to the news, we amplify the fear around us.
It's common knowledge that animals can sense fear.
We humans can sense it too.
We just tend to identify it as our own fear, rather than our resonance with collective fear.
Take responsibility for decreasing global fear.
Refuse to resonate with it.
Next time you feel anxious or worried, try this self-healing technique to delete fear.
You'll be doing the world a favor! Your Self-Healing Tip: For just one second, think about something that makes you feel fear.
Now, stop focusing on that issue, and instead, imagine a "delete" button, located on your spine.
(This can be anywhere on your spine.
) Now hit delete.
Feel the fear dissipate.
Making mental contact with your spine will input the delete command directly into your central nervous system, meridian system, chakras and the universal mind.
This technique is based on Chinese Energetic Medicine, and is appropriate to use on any fear, anxiety or worry - as well as any negative emotion.