- 1). Park the trailer and set the wheel chocks under each tire. Get on your back and look under the trailer to locate the mounting plate for the spare tire, typically found at the front middle of the trailer.
- 2). Push the hand-crank tool -- proprietary to each individual trailer -- into the mount crank. Find this along the center of the trailer on the wall nearest the mount; it looks like a square hole in the trailer. Push the female end of the crank tool into the hole and attach it to the crank spindle. Turn the crank handle counterclockwise to lower the mounting plate. Crank until the plate touches the ground.
- 3). Slide the tire on top of the mounting plate, making sure the tire bolt holes thread onto the mounting plate bolts. Tighten the lock nuts on the bolts and hand-tighten.
- 4). Turn the crank handle clockwise to raise the spare tire to the undercarriage of the trailer. Stop when the crank will not turn farther, indicating the tire is in position. Remove the crank and store it where it is easily found for emergency tire changes.
- 1). Lift the spare tire and hang it onto the spare tire mount bolts. Look at the rear of the trailer or on the tow-bar arm for the mounts and bolts.
- 2). Hand-tighten the lock nuts onto the mount bolts, locking the spare tire on the mount.
- 3). Tighten the nuts as much as possible with the tire iron. If you have a spare tire cover, place it over the tire and cinch the bungees.
Undercarriage Mount
External Mount