When trying to lose body fat, you need to create a caloric deficit. That is, you must take in less calories than you're expending throughout the day doing things like working, working out, sleeping and even breathing. Everything you do takes calories to provide energy. When trying to burn off body fat, you want to use those fat stores as fuel instead of the food you eat.
Since eating less calories is the name of the game, it would seem strange that I'd recommend you eat more often, but it is this case.
When in a dieting down phase (attempting to lose body fat), there are several benefits in eating more often- like 6 or 7 times a day. The first being you are able to manage your insulin levels more effectively, resulting in more body fat being accessible to be used as fuel. Also, when insulin levels are kept in check, hunger goes down as well.
One of the underrated aspects of eating 6 or 7 times per day is that you avoid lulls in mental energy. Mental energy is crucial for getting "thought- type" work done. If your paycheck is based on how creative you are or how fast you think on your feet, you'll certainly appreciate the stable, consistent energy more frequent meals provide.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of eating more frequently is its ability to bolster your ability to stick to it- "it" being your workout program, your diet, everything. Think about this, last time you cheated on a diet, or quit on that diet, we're you feeling full or hungry and deprived? I'm willing to bet it's the latter.
If you're only eating the traditional 3 meals per day- breakfast lunch and dinner, it's time to update. Adjust by increasing the frequency of meals by 1 meal per 3 days. This will allow your mind and body to acclimate to your new schedule.
Another thing to keep an eye on is your calorie intake. The point here is not to eat more. The key is to spread the total food you are eating out over more meals.
Action Tip: Start a food journal now. This can be an invaluable tool in your effort to lose body fat.
Since eating less calories is the name of the game, it would seem strange that I'd recommend you eat more often, but it is this case.
When in a dieting down phase (attempting to lose body fat), there are several benefits in eating more often- like 6 or 7 times a day. The first being you are able to manage your insulin levels more effectively, resulting in more body fat being accessible to be used as fuel. Also, when insulin levels are kept in check, hunger goes down as well.
One of the underrated aspects of eating 6 or 7 times per day is that you avoid lulls in mental energy. Mental energy is crucial for getting "thought- type" work done. If your paycheck is based on how creative you are or how fast you think on your feet, you'll certainly appreciate the stable, consistent energy more frequent meals provide.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of eating more frequently is its ability to bolster your ability to stick to it- "it" being your workout program, your diet, everything. Think about this, last time you cheated on a diet, or quit on that diet, we're you feeling full or hungry and deprived? I'm willing to bet it's the latter.
If you're only eating the traditional 3 meals per day- breakfast lunch and dinner, it's time to update. Adjust by increasing the frequency of meals by 1 meal per 3 days. This will allow your mind and body to acclimate to your new schedule.
Another thing to keep an eye on is your calorie intake. The point here is not to eat more. The key is to spread the total food you are eating out over more meals.
Action Tip: Start a food journal now. This can be an invaluable tool in your effort to lose body fat.