Intriguing blog entries will not only attract new traffic to the site but will also compel visitors to return.
Blog posting which is the literal backbone to the success of the site should always strive to target the interest of readers.
No matter what style of posting you have adopted your goal should be to get a reaction from the blog reader.
When people post comments to your site it is then clear that you have engaged your readers.
The more people interact the greater the 'buzz' your site generates and the more 'social proof' it demonstrates to new visitors.
Here are 5 reactions you can expect from visitors that will help build traffic and loyalty when your blog posting is intriguing enough to generate a response.
Reader Becomes Intrigued The choice of topic and 'angle' you take when posting are the keys to gaining the readers attention.
Your subject needs to something people are concerned about or of interest to them.
Once interest has been established and the blog reader has become more intrigued magical things begin to happen.
Reader Contributes People may agree or disagree with what you wrote and if their interest level is strong enough they will likely post comments in response.
Obviously not everybody will share similar opinions or perspectives which is what helps to create an even bigger 'stir' to the mix.
Reader Gains Confidence When people 'verbalize' their opinions in writing it helps to strengthen their own convictions.
As others comment in support of your own views you than gain more confidence in yourself and your position within the group.
Reader Learns As additional responses are posted more information is added or shared pertaining to the subject which thereby inevitable increases your own pool of knowledge.
Since the subject is something of interest who does not want to learn more about it? As previously mentioned not everybody will share the same opinions and the sharing of these different perspectives can be enlightening for everybody involved.
Reader Is Encouraged to Return Becoming involved in a discussion on a blog creates a stronger sense of community and belonging for the participants.
Gaining a little knowledge and confidence also adds tremendously to the positive experience.
When you factor in that the topics discussed are things participants have an interest in it is understandable they would want to share the same experience again.
Now the loyalty of the blog reader grows stronger and their return becomes more likely.
The objective of any blog entries is to engage your readers to participate in discussions or post comments.
This interactivity helps to validate the site itself demonstrating a sort of 'social proof' to any new visitors.
When a blog reader responds to anything posted on the site their response sets off a 'chain reaction' that often leads to additional traffic and greater loyalty.
These 5 reactions as reviewed here today are normally stimulated by any blog posting that poses questions or takes a definitive stance on topics or issues.
The goal of any post is to get visitors to post comments which can fuel the type reactions spoken of here.
In the end if your site shows lots of activity it demonstrates the signs of life most visitors are seeking.
Blog posting which is the literal backbone to the success of the site should always strive to target the interest of readers.
No matter what style of posting you have adopted your goal should be to get a reaction from the blog reader.
When people post comments to your site it is then clear that you have engaged your readers.
The more people interact the greater the 'buzz' your site generates and the more 'social proof' it demonstrates to new visitors.
Here are 5 reactions you can expect from visitors that will help build traffic and loyalty when your blog posting is intriguing enough to generate a response.
Reader Becomes Intrigued The choice of topic and 'angle' you take when posting are the keys to gaining the readers attention.
Your subject needs to something people are concerned about or of interest to them.
Once interest has been established and the blog reader has become more intrigued magical things begin to happen.
Reader Contributes People may agree or disagree with what you wrote and if their interest level is strong enough they will likely post comments in response.
Obviously not everybody will share similar opinions or perspectives which is what helps to create an even bigger 'stir' to the mix.
Reader Gains Confidence When people 'verbalize' their opinions in writing it helps to strengthen their own convictions.
As others comment in support of your own views you than gain more confidence in yourself and your position within the group.
Reader Learns As additional responses are posted more information is added or shared pertaining to the subject which thereby inevitable increases your own pool of knowledge.
Since the subject is something of interest who does not want to learn more about it? As previously mentioned not everybody will share the same opinions and the sharing of these different perspectives can be enlightening for everybody involved.
Reader Is Encouraged to Return Becoming involved in a discussion on a blog creates a stronger sense of community and belonging for the participants.
Gaining a little knowledge and confidence also adds tremendously to the positive experience.
When you factor in that the topics discussed are things participants have an interest in it is understandable they would want to share the same experience again.
Now the loyalty of the blog reader grows stronger and their return becomes more likely.
The objective of any blog entries is to engage your readers to participate in discussions or post comments.
This interactivity helps to validate the site itself demonstrating a sort of 'social proof' to any new visitors.
When a blog reader responds to anything posted on the site their response sets off a 'chain reaction' that often leads to additional traffic and greater loyalty.
These 5 reactions as reviewed here today are normally stimulated by any blog posting that poses questions or takes a definitive stance on topics or issues.
The goal of any post is to get visitors to post comments which can fuel the type reactions spoken of here.
In the end if your site shows lots of activity it demonstrates the signs of life most visitors are seeking.