- 1). Vacuum the entire house thoroughly before treating with insecticide. Vacuum upholstery, area rugs, clothes and drapes.
- 2). Cover hands with rubber gloves. Wear vent-less safety goggles. It is advisable to wear some form of breathing protection mask, which you can purchase at any home improvement center. Masks offer different levels of protection based on price. Choose a mask that offers mist protection.
- 3). Treat using a permethrin insecticide if you have pets or children. This is a mild and odorless insecticide that is safe and is available at home improvement stores under many brands. Follow the directions on the label for mixing in the sprayer. Apply every four to six weeks until infestation is under control.
- 4). Purchase a cyfluthrin-based insecticide for severe infestations. Insecticides made from cyfluthrin are harsh and quite strong. Many insecticide brands contain cyfluthrin and are available at home improvement stores. Perform treatments with cyfluthrin insecticides every six to eight weeks. Follow the directions to mix in the sprayer.
- 5). Add carpet beetle insect growth regulator to the spray container with the insecticide. This formula can often be purchased from a local pest control specialist or home improvement store. Follow the directions for mixing. The formula renders larvae infertile.
- 6). Treat all carpets with the handheld sprayer. Turn up the edges of all area rugs and treat underneath and on top of the area rugs. Spray along all baseboards and crevices by the walls. Spray the corners of the carpet thoroughly
- 7). Spray all upholstery. Spray under the pillows and into the crevices of the furniture. Spray under the furniture.
- 8). Spray all draperies in the front and the back. Concentrate the majority of spraying at the base of the draperies where they meet the carpet.
- 9). Launder all clothes that have been infested with carpet beetles. Take clothes that cannot be laundered to the dry cleaner. Launder all bedding. Use hot water and laundry detergent.
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Set out carpet beetle pheromone traps in areas where heavy infestation and damage has taken place. Monitor the traps to make sure that the infestation is diminishing with the insecticide spray schedule. Carpet beetle pheromone traps can be purchased at home improvement stores and pest control stores.