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Watercan Making A Difference With African Wells

A source of clean water is a necessity for human life. Consider the need to walk an average of six kilometers to fetch water from rivers, streams, or unprotected springs that are often unsafe for consumption. Many women and young girls in African countries are required to make that journey for it is their only option.

WaterCan is a leading Canadian charity that has recognized this struggle and is dedicated to fighting global poverty by assisting the world's poorest people to gain access to clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education. Since 1987, WaterCan has reached over 1.2 million children, women, and men in the poorest regions and one call to action is building and maintaining African wells. By establishing easy access to clean water through an African well, WaterCan helps communities in the poorest African countries finally break the cycle of poverty and secure a brighter future.

Michael Lubbock, the founder of WaterCan, had a goal to break the cycle of poverty and disease and increase opportunities for health, education, gender equality, and economic growth. Having lived and worked in Peru for four years in the mid 1960s, he witnessed firsthand the shocking reality of the desperate poverty and poor health within the rural areas. On his return to Canada, he was determined to find answers to his questions about the state of international aid and development, not only in Latin America, but throughout the world, and in particular, Canada's role. In 1987, a small office was established for WaterCan and Michael Lubbock created the roots of a charity that today has grown to help well over a million people.

Currently, WaterCan's overseas projects use a 3-pronged approach in fighting poverty:
1.Clean Water Supply African wells, protected springs, and rainwater tanks
2.Basic Sanitation Ventilated Improved Pit [VIP] latrines
3.Hygiene Promotion

Size and location of the community, availability of technology and materials, environmental assessments and the input of community members are taken into account prior to WaterCan choosing the proper water supply solution. African wells are one of the most common solutions put to use by WaterCan, however based on the various factors, other water solutions conducted by WaterCan also include protected springs, rainwater catchment tanks, or the expansion of piped water systems in slum areas.

With a clean water supply, communities are able to maintain better hygiene and eliminate health problems related to the use of dirty water. Water and sanitation-related diseases such as diarrhea, skin and eye infections, intestinal parasites, typhoid, dysentery, and cholera are the common results leading to negative effects on peoples healthy mental and physical development. More than two million children, women and men die of these completely preventable causes every year.

Nearly 1 billion people, a sixth of the world's population, are lacking access to safe drinking water and over 2.5 billion people are living without basic sanitation. The fight against global poverty begins here. With implementation of an African well and other means of access to clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education, the cycle of poverty and disease can and will be broken.

WaterCan has the ability to change lives. Parents, children and families around the world all have hopes and dreams, the lack of clean water should not hold them back. To donate money towards changing lives or locate more information on the efforts of WaterCan, visit watercan.
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