We talk about the Father's love, seek it, want to be enveloped in it, and spread it around. But, so seldom do we feel it with our senses and most of the time we tend to feel unworthy of His love. How can you really know if and when God loves you?
There are days when you really feel great and extraordinary things are happening. You're on top of the world and know that it is God showering you with His love. Then there are lots of times when discouragement sets in. You do and say things that make you feel small and not deserving of His, or anyone else's love.
Those are the times that you need to refresh yourself in the Word and remember that the Father loves you as much as He loves Jesus! (John 17: 22 - 26)
Do you know Jesus? Do you realize that you can ask Him to direct your life? "Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God... God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him." (1 John 4: 15 - 16)
The Father draws you to Jesus, (John 6: 44) and Jesus in turn reveals the Father, as He is the only One who knows the Father. (Mat. 11: 27) He loves you so much that He sent Jesus not only to pay the price for your sins, but also to give you the Holy Spirit.
It is one thing to know and understand these verses. Most of us have memorized, heard and read them many times before. However, at times of discouragement and trials you need fresh manna from heaven. That's when you need to have a revelation that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is not up there in heavens far removed and unable to hear your cries.
Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus lives inside you and together you are hid in God. In fact:
"You are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col. 3: 3)
Thank you, Father, for sending Jesus, and hiding me with Him in you! What an awesome thought! Picture yourself hidden inside a huge snowball. Filled on the inside with the Holy Spirit, covered with the Blood of Jesus that washed you white as snow, and totally immersed in the Almighty!
This is awesome and worthy of deep reflection. Ask your heavenly Father to reveal His love to you. It is crucial to the development of your faith. If you think that He loves others more than you, or that He only loves you sometimes when you've been especially good, then your faith will yo-yo accordingly.
His love is a free gift - with no strings attached. There is nothing you can do to earn it. The more you develop that intimate relationship with Him, the more you will grow in His love, which will shine through you to others, and expand your faith.
No amount of tribulation, distress, persecution, famine or nakedness can take His love from you because through Him you are more than a conqueror! (Rom. 8: 35) Whatever the devil may have planned for evil in your life, God will turn to good because you love Him and are called by Him for His purpose. (Rom. 8: 24)
Tags : God's Love, God Loves You
There are days when you really feel great and extraordinary things are happening. You're on top of the world and know that it is God showering you with His love. Then there are lots of times when discouragement sets in. You do and say things that make you feel small and not deserving of His, or anyone else's love.
Those are the times that you need to refresh yourself in the Word and remember that the Father loves you as much as He loves Jesus! (John 17: 22 - 26)
Do you know Jesus? Do you realize that you can ask Him to direct your life? "Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God... God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him." (1 John 4: 15 - 16)
The Father draws you to Jesus, (John 6: 44) and Jesus in turn reveals the Father, as He is the only One who knows the Father. (Mat. 11: 27) He loves you so much that He sent Jesus not only to pay the price for your sins, but also to give you the Holy Spirit.
It is one thing to know and understand these verses. Most of us have memorized, heard and read them many times before. However, at times of discouragement and trials you need fresh manna from heaven. That's when you need to have a revelation that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is not up there in heavens far removed and unable to hear your cries.
Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus lives inside you and together you are hid in God. In fact:
"You are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col. 3: 3)
Thank you, Father, for sending Jesus, and hiding me with Him in you! What an awesome thought! Picture yourself hidden inside a huge snowball. Filled on the inside with the Holy Spirit, covered with the Blood of Jesus that washed you white as snow, and totally immersed in the Almighty!
This is awesome and worthy of deep reflection. Ask your heavenly Father to reveal His love to you. It is crucial to the development of your faith. If you think that He loves others more than you, or that He only loves you sometimes when you've been especially good, then your faith will yo-yo accordingly.
His love is a free gift - with no strings attached. There is nothing you can do to earn it. The more you develop that intimate relationship with Him, the more you will grow in His love, which will shine through you to others, and expand your faith.
No amount of tribulation, distress, persecution, famine or nakedness can take His love from you because through Him you are more than a conqueror! (Rom. 8: 35) Whatever the devil may have planned for evil in your life, God will turn to good because you love Him and are called by Him for His purpose. (Rom. 8: 24)
Tags : God's Love, God Loves You