Health & Medical Mental Health

Five Undeniable Facts About Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Sorting out the myths and legends from the hard facts can be a daunting task when we are talking about attention deficit disorder (ADHD).
Because the exact cause of attention deficit disorder is not known and because treatment with psychostimulant drugs is hotly debated, a whole series of urban legends have grown up around this condition.
First Fact ADHD is on the increase and how ! Just look at the figures for Holland- they have reported a 25% increase in cases in the last six months ! The number of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder are now double the figure they were three years ago.
Numbers in Australia, UK and USA are also increasing rapidly.
Why? Nobody is sure ..
it could be that there are more accurate diagnostic methods available or that more and more parents are becoming aware of the problem.
Some argue that parents cannot tolerate hyperactive children and prefer to have them sedated by drugs and drive them to school ! Second Fact ADHD drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, Strattera and Concerta do NOT cure ADHD.
They can only alleviate symptoms by activating or calming certain neurotransmitters in the child's brain so that the child can improve concentration, stop twitching, over-excitability and reduce erratic behaviour.
Sadly, the drugs also affect the way your child thinks and your child's ideas and creativity can be affected.
Even more alarming is the fact that the long- term psychological effects on children are not known or if they are, they have not been published ! Third Fact The above ADHD drugs DO have a wide range of side effects.
The pharmaceutical companies play them down as much as they can but the FDA has its work cut out in issuing warnings and guidelines to pediatricians and family doctors.
The side effects range from cardiac arrest to increased suicidal thoughts and a whole lot of other things in between ! Fourth Fact The bad news is that those children who took psychostimulant drugs as kids for ADHD have a much higher chance of ending up as drug users in adult life.
More bad news is that these drugs are now sold by adolescents in the school parking lot.
Fifth Fact These ADHD medications DO help children to stay calmer but unfortunately they will not help them to learn coping skills in getting their homework done or in not forgetting things.
This is where parenting skills are so important and the real solution is not drugging the nation's children but rather helping the child to manage school and social relationships and above all in self- management.
The only solution to successful ADHD treatment is medication combined with behaviour therapy, some dietary restrictions and plenty of exercise and a supportive school and family life.
But which medication ? This is a burning question and many parents are now refusing to have their children's future compromised in the ways I have outlined above.
There is a much safer natural treatment which is certainly not addictive and will never fetch a high price on the school parking lot! The site below will answer questions you cannot ask your doctor on treating attention deficit disorder.
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