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Global Warming - Are We to Blame?

Global warming is one of those topics that I still find myself wondering what to truly believe.
Is our CO2 production really the culprit in the warming of the planet? Or are there some other larger influences at play here.
I have a hard time believing mankind's activities are solely to blame for any kind of climate change.
After all, CO2 is only one of many greenhouse gases that can affect the warming trend.
Water vapor is by far the most abundant and effective at influencing the greenhouse problem.
But I don't see any kind of public concern over evaporation of water in any way at all.
Okay, I realize that there is little or even nothing that can be done about that but the point is CO2 is just a tiny fraction of the greenhouse gases affecting our climate.
So if water vapor is by far the largest greenhouse gas then why are we so obsessed by manmade CO2? Mankind's ego.
We see a small trend in the planets temperature rising and of course we assume it must be what we are doing.
I am truly pleased to see that we are taking an interest in reducing pollution from cars and industry but I really have my doubts about the connection to global warming at least in the significant way the media would like us to believe.
The media is sounding the alarm bell which of course sells more newspapers than reporting the less extreme predictions surrounding the warming trend.
The weather models produced by scientists predict a reduction in the temperature differences between the poles and the equatorial regions.
This will in fact reduce the number of violent tropical storms, as there will be less of a temperature discrepancy to stimulate them.
Also the warming of the regions closer to the poles will allow agricultural pursuits in areas where it was not possible before.
Food production would be able to rise accordingly.
The alarmist media isn't interested in those types of stories it seems.
The change in the world's temperature is just that, change.
There is irrefutable evidence that the temperature of the planet has and most likely will always be changing regardless of what we are doing.
What are we so afraid of? Do the alarmists doubt mankind's ability to adapt and cope with a few degrees of temperature change or even sea levels rising a meter or so? There will doubtless be hardships and even some displaced people in some regions but man has the ability to adapt and change.
We have demonstrated this through the ages.
I am confident that we will not only survive these changes but also learn to use them to our advantage.
I live in Canada and if you ask anyone living north of the temperate zone about rising temperatures the resounding response would be "bring it on, we could use a little global warming around here".
Life will improve greatly for huge numbers of the world's population with a couple of degrees increase in the planet's temperature.
Migration to areas that were before considered uninhabitable by most will have a more moderate climate allowing for farming and other activities.
You can't sell newspapers with stories like that.
The scientific data indicates that 1998 was the warmest year on record.
The planet has been cooling ever since.
A quote from Dr.
Oleg Sorokhtin of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "The earth is at the peak of one of its passing warm spells, It'll start getting cold by 2012, and really, really cold around 2041".
So who are we to believe? A respected scientist or Al Gore who has made millions from his crusade for the planet and his questionable agenda and phony pseudo science.
If the planet is warming I can honestly say I hope so.
We will get by and probably do well in the process.
What really concerns me is the muzzling of real science in the debate.
An objective media would go a long way in helping us all deal with the facts as they truly are.
Focusing on the alarmist perspective only causes undue fear where none is warranted.
Is driving our SUV's and minivans really the problem here? Or is our planet just going through another climate cycle like it has done so many times before? The only thing I know for sure is I can't count on the media to provide the answers.
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