Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Tips - Power Foods That Will Help You Build Muscle Fast!

Even if you are working out and doing some weightlifting, you will also need other things in your life that will help make the work of building more muscle mass easier on you.
There are a number of things that you can do to help build your muscle, of course one is the weightlifting and resting properly but there are different foods that can help you as well.
This is key in helping you gain the muscle you are looking for.
You need to understand that your muscles are 70% water and 20% protein.
So to build muscle you will need extra water, you will need more energy and you get that through the right carbohydrate intake and then you will also need additional protein.
So if you work out you are going to require more calories and protein than the person who doesn't work out.
In fact you should eat at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight that you have in order to add muscle.
You also need to increase your calories by eating more high protein food, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits and fats.
The meats you eat are important because they provide you with the amino acids that are needed to help build muscle.
The protein you get in meat is of high quality and it will ensure that it is used by your body to build the tissue you need for muscles and that it's not used as energy.
Meat like beef, turkey, fish and chicken are all extremely high in the protein your body needs.
Of course trying to figure out which meats to eat can sometimes be a challenge.
When you eat beef and pork you will be getting a higher fat content and this might not be what someone might be looking for, especially if they are only wanting to add a little bit of lean muscle.
So instead they might want to eat chicken and turkey instead.
This is not to say you can't eat beef at all, just limit it to twice a week.
Milk as we all know is a great source for our bones but it's good for helping to build your muscle mass as well.
Eight ounces of milk contains 20 grams of protein, but of course there are those who are lactose intolerant so they should take a shot at drinking soy or rice milk instead.
The protein however is a lot lower in these two than in milk, so you would have to drink more of it.
Don't forget about eggs.
They have the highest quality of protein out of any food that offers protein.
One large boiled egg has 6.
29 grams of protein and nearly 60% of that is in the white of the egg.
So it's not surprising that a lot of weightlifters eat a lot of egg whites.
You need to also make sure that you get the right amount of complex carbs because they are necessary in building muscle, especially lean muscle.
The foods in this category would be whole grain breads, pasta, rice, oatmeal, peas, beans, corn, potatoes and yams to name a few.
This also will help keep you full and you won't be as tempted to eat a bunch of junk foods.
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