- It's important to decide how serious you want your card to be. It all depends on the person, the event, and your own writing ability. A person with a great sense of humor would appreciate a silly card, whereas somebody who is more sober and serious would appreciate a more restrained and thoughtful card. Amusing cards work best for birthdays, bachelor parties, and graduations, whereas marriages, funerals, and anniversaries tend to lend themselves to more serious cards.
- The age of the person or people you are writing for should be taken into account. Humor that would work on a younger generation might offend or go over the head of someone from an older generation, just as humor that would work on an older generation would likely confuse the younger generation. Use appropriate language for the age group. Don't refer to a poem that the younger generation wouldn't know or a television show that the older generations wouldn't know. Keep it relevant and understandable.
- One of the most important things to do when writing a greeting card is to understand how others write. This isn't to encourage plagiarism. Do not copy ideas. That is immoral and unethical and can even be illegal. Simply read other cards to understand the type of words, phrases, syntax, and rhythm used in creating the greetings. How does a card set up a joke? What kinds of poems are appropriate for a serious greeting card? Greeting cards have a pretty specific format, and understanding it will help you create great greeting cards.
Study Other Greeting Cards