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The French preposition en is required after certain verbs when they are followed by a noun.
agir en to act like / as
avoir confiance en to trust
casser en (morceaux, trois) to break in(to) (pieces, two)
se changer en to change into
convertir (quelque chose) en to convert (something) into
couper en (deux, cinq) to cut in (two, five pieces)
croire en to believe in
se déguiser en to disguise oneself as
écrire en (français, ligne) to write (in French, on line)
mesurer en (mètres) to measure in (meters)
se mettre en colère to get mad
se mettre en route to set out
partir en (guerre) to leave for (war)
partir en (voiture) to leave by/in (car)
traduire en (français) to translate into (French)
transformer qqch en (qqch) to change s.t.
into (s.t.)
se vendre en (bouteilles) to be sold in (bottles)
voyager en (train, taxi) to travel by (train, taxi)
The French preposition en is required after certain verbs when they are followed by a noun.
agir en to act like / as
avoir confiance en to trust
casser en (morceaux, trois) to break in(to) (pieces, two)
se changer en to change into
convertir (quelque chose) en to convert (something) into
couper en (deux, cinq) to cut in (two, five pieces)
croire en to believe in
se déguiser en to disguise oneself as
écrire en (français, ligne) to write (in French, on line)
mesurer en (mètres) to measure in (meters)
se mettre en colère to get mad
se mettre en route to set out
partir en (guerre) to leave for (war)
partir en (voiture) to leave by/in (car)
traduire en (français) to translate into (French)
transformer qqch en (qqch) to change s.t.
into (s.t.)
se vendre en (bouteilles) to be sold in (bottles)
voyager en (train, taxi) to travel by (train, taxi)