La palabra del dÃa:
Pronunciación aproximada:
pah-teh-AHR (The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
to kick, to stomp on, to stamp on
Golpeó el micrófono y pateó los equipos de sonido en su concierto antes de abandonar el escenario intempestivamente.
He struck the microphone and kicked the sound equipment in his concert before storming off the stage.
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Pronunciación aproximada:
pah-teh-AHR (The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
to kick, to stomp on, to stamp on
Golpeó el micrófono y pateó los equipos de sonido en su concierto antes de abandonar el escenario intempestivamente.
He struck the microphone and kicked the sound equipment in his concert before storming off the stage.
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