Definition: factory
J'habite à côté de l'usine d'automobiles - I live next to the car factory.
Travaillez-vous en usine ? - Do you do factory work? Do you work in a factory?
Related: l'usinage - machining, manufacturing; usiner - to machine, manufacture; un usinier - (adj) industrial, related to a factory
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [u zeen]
J'habite à côté de l'usine d'automobiles - I live next to the car factory.
Travaillez-vous en usine ? - Do you do factory work? Do you work in a factory?
Related: l'usinage - machining, manufacturing; usiner - to machine, manufacture; un usinier - (adj) industrial, related to a factory
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [u zeen]