Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Hakeem Clark, Program Director here at the Parisi Speed School. We're here at LifeBridge Health and Fitness to give you different tips and techniques to help kids become better teammates, better leaders and stronger more humble athletes. There are three key things for coaches and parents to think about for their young athlete to keep them humble and to keep them yearning for more. Try to give them constructive feedback. Think about the process over the result. It's not just about who finishes first. It's also about how you got there. Keep those toes forward, nice job, way to move those hands Billy, good job, nice quick, nice quick, nice quick, nice job, nice job, stay nice and low, stay nice and low, keep that chest up, keep that chest up, good job Carlene, good job, good job, finish nice and fast, nice and fast, nice and fast, good. Another thing, cooperation, try to emphasize cooperation with your team and with the other children so that it helps that child to be able to feel good about themselves that they will help somebody else become better. It's not just about themselves, it's about somebody else and it's about the whole team working together for a common goal. Good, go help Dave out, cheer them on, nice job guys, nice job, way to help them out Billy. The last thing to think about, try to emphasize teamwork. If you don't emphasize teamwork then it's always been about me, me, me, me, me or I, I, I, I, I. Let's go guys, get it here, there you go, good job, way to work together, keep pushing, Pete, keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing, all the way through, nice job guys, nice job. Remember, for team, you need everybody, for a team sport you need everybody to work. I'm Hakeem Clark, Program Director for the Parisi Speed School. We just showed you some great tips and techniques to make kids more humble athletes.