- 1). Arrange the fire starter on top of the log rack, using just one log if you're using commercial, chemical-based fire starters. If you're using handmade, wax-tipped fire starters, place enough on the log rack to cover a 1-foot by 3-inch area, arranging them in a small pile.
- 2). Position a layer of small to medium-sized sticks — approximately 1/2 inch to 1 inch in diameter — over the top of the fire starters. Arrange the sticks evenly, perpendicular to the fire starter log if applicable, with enough space between the fire starters and the sticks to allow oxygen to flow freely, increasing airflow and thus the burn rate.
- 3). Set four small to medium-sized pieces of firewood — about 2 inches to 5 inches in diameter — on top of the sticks, running parallel to the original fire starter log. Stack the firewood on top of itself, with all the logs parallel with each other and enough space between the logs and sticks beneath for some air to flow through, yet close enough for the fire to catch hold easily.
- 4). Light both corners of the fire starter package or multiple smaller fire starters at different places in the pile. Watch the fire spread for one to two minutes, and fan the flames slightly if necessary by blowing gently at the base of the fire for five to 10 seconds. When the flames are burning merrily, you can add more wood, as the fire will be able to sustain a steady burn.