Emperor Constantine did so much destruction that the good he did is pitiful in comparison.
He is the one who created these monster institutions of church, including the seminaries and priesthood.
He is the one who separated the secular and sacred.
He introduced a division of clergy and laymen.
Jesus had done away with the Old Testament system of worship and ceremonies and sacrifices.
Why did Constantine bring all that back? It gave him a better control through a hierarchical system of leadership.
It is demonic to start with and destroyed the entire fabric of the early church.
The building concept for a church comes from Constantine.
The word church translated instead of assembly or convene to meet was changed to church in English by King James.
There was no such thing when the first disciples met in their homes and practiced home church.
The problems with building concept are many.
They will slowly but certainly divert the leaders over time to shift their concern from individuals to impersonal things like building, numbers, and growth.
There is an unhealthy competition in the churches today to claim their ranks.
They proudly placate the increase every year about their membership.
This is neither healthy nor spiritual.
They have already shifted their focus to status symbols.
This pastor now glories in his numbers.
You can go mile wide in membership and only an inch deep in their commitment to Christ.
Home church does not care for numbers.
When you get into the numbers game you tend to overlook the depth of spirituality in an individual member.
You do not even know who they are any more.
They are a number now.
That is not the body of the Lord Jesus Christ anymore.
It is yours and you can do what you want with that.
The home church addresses this issue and makes every member spiritually strong and effective.
If they do not there is the option to confront and challenge a dragging and stubborn believer to commitment.
Abraham was called was to build a new race carry the seed of God to appear in due season.
This preparation took a number of years.
Abraham was first called and then his grandson.
He produced 12 sons who were the pillars of the Hebrew society.
They went into Egypt through Joseph.
Moses appears and brings them to the land promised to Abraham and his sons.
This took another 400 years.
Messiah comes and starts the home church.
He is the one who created these monster institutions of church, including the seminaries and priesthood.
He is the one who separated the secular and sacred.
He introduced a division of clergy and laymen.
Jesus had done away with the Old Testament system of worship and ceremonies and sacrifices.
Why did Constantine bring all that back? It gave him a better control through a hierarchical system of leadership.
It is demonic to start with and destroyed the entire fabric of the early church.
The building concept for a church comes from Constantine.
The word church translated instead of assembly or convene to meet was changed to church in English by King James.
There was no such thing when the first disciples met in their homes and practiced home church.
The problems with building concept are many.
They will slowly but certainly divert the leaders over time to shift their concern from individuals to impersonal things like building, numbers, and growth.
There is an unhealthy competition in the churches today to claim their ranks.
They proudly placate the increase every year about their membership.
This is neither healthy nor spiritual.
They have already shifted their focus to status symbols.
This pastor now glories in his numbers.
You can go mile wide in membership and only an inch deep in their commitment to Christ.
Home church does not care for numbers.
When you get into the numbers game you tend to overlook the depth of spirituality in an individual member.
You do not even know who they are any more.
They are a number now.
That is not the body of the Lord Jesus Christ anymore.
It is yours and you can do what you want with that.
The home church addresses this issue and makes every member spiritually strong and effective.
If they do not there is the option to confront and challenge a dragging and stubborn believer to commitment.
Abraham was called was to build a new race carry the seed of God to appear in due season.
This preparation took a number of years.
Abraham was first called and then his grandson.
He produced 12 sons who were the pillars of the Hebrew society.
They went into Egypt through Joseph.
Moses appears and brings them to the land promised to Abraham and his sons.
This took another 400 years.
Messiah comes and starts the home church.