Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Best Fertility Test

What is the Best Fertility Test? The best fertility test is administered by a device called a fertility monitor, which reads and displays data that indicates when a woman is most fertile during each monthly menstrual cycle.
There are several ways in which the monitor can determine a woman's fertility, with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Monitors will have different features from brand to brand, and correspondingly, vary in cost.
However, some of the slightly more pricey monitors have key differences that make them far superior to others.
The most common way in which monitors determine a woman's fertility is by using a urine stream sample.
However, the best fertility tests do not use urine-based monitors.
Saliva-based monitors are easier to use and more sterile than urine-based.
The woman's fertility is easily read via a sensor that is placed under the tongue.
In just a matter of seconds, the sensor can take an accurate reading of the woman's currently fertility level.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this method is far more convenient and dignified than giving a urine sample.
Henceforth, the best fertility tests will use saliva instead of urine to monitor fertility, and do so by reading electrolyte level changes caused by an increase in the hormone, estrogen.
Saliva-based fertility monitors can predict ovulation up to a week in advance, whereas other urine-based monitors are only capable of 1-5 days notice.
Furthermore, monitors that use saliva are more precise, with an accuracy of 98% that far surpasses any other.
They are also FDA-approved, and come highly recommended by fertility experts.
Another feature you will find in the best fertility test is multi-language capability.
Most monitors only offer English - but the saliva-based monitor also offers Spanish and Chinese, for non-English speaking women who are trying to conceive.
Daily readings will allow the woman to keep close watch on her fertility levels, as well as provide a window of dates in which intercourse is most recommended.
This is important for working women and couples under daily pressures who may not be able to schedule intercourse every day.
Lastly, fertility monitor kits such as this come with everything included - the sensor, the manual, and a carrying case for convenience.
There are no other accessories that are required.
Simply put, the saliva-based monitor provides the best fertility test currently available, due to its simplicity, precision, and overall value.
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