Faith has more questions than answers about her life in general, she has plenty of concerns and can use your help in finding her way towards a brighter future.
Querent Faith Ask: My question was about my life. How will it turn out? Will I get my son back? Will I prosper and get married? Will Francis and I get back together. Will I have my own place? Will I get a good job? Why did the DNA test came negative? And, who is behind my problems?
Take Care of Yourself First - I see many unknowns (murky pond) that are clouding your mind, and a tendency toward treadmill like behavior or thought patterns (fish swimming in circles).
It looks like the core of the issue is stubborn egotism (face with a haughty expression), also a strong clinging to something much desired (hungry monster). There are themes of maternal protective instinct (hen and chick) and scattered energies due to one person trying to take care of everyone and everything (girl feeding many farm animals). Maybe you feel unsafe (girl standing on crumbling ground) like things you depended on are falling apart, but you are, or can be held and loved, even if it is you who needs to comfort yourself (giant benevolent cat creature touching the girl's heart) Remember that you, yourself, are worthy of your own love, as much as anyone else in the universe. Overall impressions/themes: murkiness, circular thinking, ego, desire, loneliness, scattered energies, maternal instinct, self-care, support. ~Aalien
Break Free - Something pulled me towards Serena so thought of giving a shot at the tea cup. Firstly i see an incomplete eel fish indicating energy drain. The number five suggests a lucky number, date, or month.
Faces of two animals on top of each other may indicate an obstacle in her path or progress as though someone is pulling her down. And lastly I see an individual breaking all bonds and marching ahead. edge of the cup indicating energy drain. ~Sonal
Lack of Cohesive Thoughts - First, a disclaimer. I'm not trained to read tea leaves and don't often try, but Faith's kind of called to me. Two areas at the top have broken away from the cohesive circle. Is that a positive or a negative? I think it could be regarded in either way, and that Faith could meditate on that aspect to decide which truth to follow. Is she ready to strike out on her own, and break more bonds, or does she thrive on the cohesiveness of (positive) family and friends? In the middle, I see kind of a swimmer, too, someone who's breaking up those cohesive bits. Again a positive or a negative... and again, I'm a full-fledged-beginner. ~Janet
No Focus - Too many questions for one tea cup. Zombie on a flying carpet tells you that you're fearful that all you know can disappear in an instant, so if you really want you can get away from what disturbs you, but whether you want to is a different story. ~Serena, solitary eclectic witch
Querent Faith Ask: My question was about my life. How will it turn out? Will I get my son back? Will I prosper and get married? Will Francis and I get back together. Will I have my own place? Will I get a good job? Why did the DNA test came negative? And, who is behind my problems?
Reader Insight
Take Care of Yourself First - I see many unknowns (murky pond) that are clouding your mind, and a tendency toward treadmill like behavior or thought patterns (fish swimming in circles).
It looks like the core of the issue is stubborn egotism (face with a haughty expression), also a strong clinging to something much desired (hungry monster). There are themes of maternal protective instinct (hen and chick) and scattered energies due to one person trying to take care of everyone and everything (girl feeding many farm animals). Maybe you feel unsafe (girl standing on crumbling ground) like things you depended on are falling apart, but you are, or can be held and loved, even if it is you who needs to comfort yourself (giant benevolent cat creature touching the girl's heart) Remember that you, yourself, are worthy of your own love, as much as anyone else in the universe. Overall impressions/themes: murkiness, circular thinking, ego, desire, loneliness, scattered energies, maternal instinct, self-care, support. ~Aalien
Break Free - Something pulled me towards Serena so thought of giving a shot at the tea cup. Firstly i see an incomplete eel fish indicating energy drain. The number five suggests a lucky number, date, or month.
Faces of two animals on top of each other may indicate an obstacle in her path or progress as though someone is pulling her down. And lastly I see an individual breaking all bonds and marching ahead. edge of the cup indicating energy drain. ~Sonal
Lack of Cohesive Thoughts - First, a disclaimer. I'm not trained to read tea leaves and don't often try, but Faith's kind of called to me. Two areas at the top have broken away from the cohesive circle. Is that a positive or a negative? I think it could be regarded in either way, and that Faith could meditate on that aspect to decide which truth to follow. Is she ready to strike out on her own, and break more bonds, or does she thrive on the cohesiveness of (positive) family and friends? In the middle, I see kind of a swimmer, too, someone who's breaking up those cohesive bits. Again a positive or a negative... and again, I'm a full-fledged-beginner. ~Janet
No Focus - Too many questions for one tea cup. Zombie on a flying carpet tells you that you're fearful that all you know can disappear in an instant, so if you really want you can get away from what disturbs you, but whether you want to is a different story. ~Serena, solitary eclectic witch