- Suspend the mirrored cubes from the ceiling with chains or set them along a shelf or fireplace mantel if you see them as art. Mirrored cubes are unusual enough to serve as art pieces in themselves. Depending upon their size, you could also place them along the tops of door frames and window sills.
- Scatter mirrored cubes -- single and in stacks of two -- around the living room and place a plant on top of each one. This way, the plants will be raised off the floor, away from pets and human feet, and the mirrors on the cubes will visually multiply the greenery. Consider this use if you have a lot of plants -- or if you have only a few plants but want to make it look like you have a lot more.
- Set one mirrored cube on each side of the living room couch and arrange a lamp on each one, creating distinctive end tables. This is an especially suitable choice if your mirrored cubes are large. You can also use one or two mirrored cubes placed together in front of the couch as a coffee table.
- Stack the mirrored cubes to make a shelving system that makes the room look bigger. This is a particularly appropriate approach if you have a lot of the cubes. For example, line up five the cubes along the longest wall of the living room. Arrange four cubes on top of the five. Set three cubes on top of the four. Continue adding rows of cubes, one less cube per row, until you have a mirrored pyramid with multiple "steps" upon which you can set keepsakes such as sculptures, framed photographs or beautiful stones.
Plant Stands
Side Tables
Display Shelf