Health & Medical Women's Health

Painful Menstrual Periods (Dysmenorrhoea) Causes and Treatment

Dysmenorrhea, the medical term for painful menstruation is a very common gynecological problem faced by women during their adolescence or within 4 to 5 years from the first menstruation.
With aging this problem gets reduced and finally disappears.
It is characterized by severe pain in the uterus.
During menstruation a bit of pain and discomfort is normal in all women.
But when the pain gets to an extreme level where activities get restricted, that is when one knows that she is suffering from Dysmenorrhea.
It can cause the patient with severe pain and throbbing along with nausea and burning sensation.
It can cause heavy loss of blood, a condition known as hemorrhage.
It has 2 stages, viz.
primary and secondary.
Primary Dysmenorrhea features pain and heavy bleeding.
Secondary Dysmenorrhea is characterized by an underlying disease or structural abnormality in or outside the uterus.
When such symptoms are absent the state is considered to be the primary stage of Dysmenorrhea.
The factors causing Dysmenorrhea is more than multiple.
Internal problems are pelvic inflammations, fibroids, Endometriosis, Amendomyosis, Intra-uterine device, Ovarian cysts, Ovarian tumors, Cervical polyps, Cervices, Cervical stenosis, Peritonitis, Chappel syndrome, Psychogenic and the list goes on and on.
Other external factors that can cause Dysmenorrhea are normal periodic cycles, diet low in calcium, stopping intake of oral contraceptives, primary Dysmenorrhea, secondary Dysmenorrhea, alcoholism, functional disorders like ovarian malfunction etc.
As for treatment of Dysmenorrhea in its primary stage you can try something's at home like heating the pad and sometimes a warm shower also helps.
Other home treatments include application of a bottle of heated water on the lower abdomen.
You can also try out a few vitamin supplements and eat calcium rich foods in your diet to resolve the problem.
Non-steroidal inflammatory drugs are available over the counter.
They can help you relieve the pain and bring things under control to a large extent.
Pills that can control birth can also control hormonal imbalances causing Dysmenorrhea.
Some medical drugs are predominantly prescribed.
Mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed in this case.
The drugs must be taken at the commencement of bleeding and continued for 2-3 days.
One can also use Oral contraceptives it helps in stopping the ovulation flow and also stabilizes prostaglandin levels.
Finally self care is very important along with appropriate medication; hot water treatment of the lower abdomen plays a very important role in relaxing the uterus.
You can also try herbal treatment painful menstruation.
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