Window security locks are your first defense against burglary. Today, you have to ensure that your home and/or business is safe from intruders, probably more than ever before. The economy is weak and so, crime is up. This said, criminals will try to break into your home or business through its easiest means -windows. It only makes sense that your locks should be as strong as possible.
Read on to learn how you can make sure your existing window security locks are up to par, and if not, how to find ones that will truly defend your home or business against intrusion.
Inspect Your Windows
The first step in making sure your windows are as secure against burglary as possible is to inspect your window. Are they cracked or are the locks rusted or worn? Is the wood around the window solid and not rotting? All of these variables are key in determining the safety of your home and whether or not to upgrade your window security.
Inspect Your Window Locks
There is often a huge difference between the window locks that were installed when your house was constructed and the products referred to as €window locks security€. Unless you have installed new windows recently, and asked for highly secure window locks, you are likely to just have locks that lock your window in place. These are not enough to discourage an intruder. For ultimate window locks security, your locks should be made of heavy duty iron or something comparable, large so the prospective intruder can see them, and possibly key operated.
Security Locks Window Options
Depending on how elaborate you want to get with your window home security, you could choose to enlist a security company or stop down to your local hardware store to purchase and install your own locks. In either even, you should know the basic kinds of security locks for window security that exist. The most effective for preventing window entry are:
Fanlight Locks: these locks are often metal and have a bolted latch for opening and closing the window.
Key Operated Locks: these types of locks are as you might expect-operated to lock by key access. If you choose this option, make sure that you store your key in a secure place-since this security requires two step precaution.
Other Options to Consider
While window locks window security is a great start to your home or business' safety, you should also be considering other options to fully bolster your home's security, and safeguard you and your family from intrusion. Two other great ways to stop the intruder in his/her tracks are window bars/grille/gates and window security film. The former are often tamper-resistant bars placed on the outside of your window, so that even if they break your window, they cannot get through the bars or gate. The latter is a thin, clear, heavy duty plastic shield placed on the pane itself, which prevents your window from shattering or breaking, so that an intruder cannot enter through the window. These are good options to consider when purchasing window security locks, as add-ons.
Read on to learn how you can make sure your existing window security locks are up to par, and if not, how to find ones that will truly defend your home or business against intrusion.
Inspect Your Windows
The first step in making sure your windows are as secure against burglary as possible is to inspect your window. Are they cracked or are the locks rusted or worn? Is the wood around the window solid and not rotting? All of these variables are key in determining the safety of your home and whether or not to upgrade your window security.
Inspect Your Window Locks
There is often a huge difference between the window locks that were installed when your house was constructed and the products referred to as €window locks security€. Unless you have installed new windows recently, and asked for highly secure window locks, you are likely to just have locks that lock your window in place. These are not enough to discourage an intruder. For ultimate window locks security, your locks should be made of heavy duty iron or something comparable, large so the prospective intruder can see them, and possibly key operated.
Security Locks Window Options
Depending on how elaborate you want to get with your window home security, you could choose to enlist a security company or stop down to your local hardware store to purchase and install your own locks. In either even, you should know the basic kinds of security locks for window security that exist. The most effective for preventing window entry are:
Fanlight Locks: these locks are often metal and have a bolted latch for opening and closing the window.
Key Operated Locks: these types of locks are as you might expect-operated to lock by key access. If you choose this option, make sure that you store your key in a secure place-since this security requires two step precaution.
Other Options to Consider
While window locks window security is a great start to your home or business' safety, you should also be considering other options to fully bolster your home's security, and safeguard you and your family from intrusion. Two other great ways to stop the intruder in his/her tracks are window bars/grille/gates and window security film. The former are often tamper-resistant bars placed on the outside of your window, so that even if they break your window, they cannot get through the bars or gate. The latter is a thin, clear, heavy duty plastic shield placed on the pane itself, which prevents your window from shattering or breaking, so that an intruder cannot enter through the window. These are good options to consider when purchasing window security locks, as add-ons.