Club Shelter opens today’s episode with an unknown couple who pours in and races to the lounge chair to start kissing. Rama and Nikki comment on it, then Nikki tells Rama that she has to stop them because the doors are open. Rama reluctantly heads over to do the task, the runs into Blair. Rama points out the couple to Blair and Blair remarks: “Haven’t they heard of ‘get a room’? (UM…pot calling the kettle black?
Never mind, I’ll save it for the commentary).
During a game of poker, Nora, David, Bo, Clint and David’s cameraman hilariously interact. Nora asks Bo for some chips to gamble with, Bo tells her that in poker, she’s on her own. She throws her watch and wedding ring on the table and Bo gives in and gives her some chips. During the game, the subject of Matthew comes up. Clint says Matthew needs to step up to the plate and be a father, and Nora tells him to mind his business. Clint tells Nora that he loves Matthew like a son and it IS his business. Bo defensively tells Clint that Matthew is doing his best…(Um, WHAT??!...Oh never mind..that’s right…the commentary).
Clint says Matthew works for him, and he hasn’t seen one inkling of Matthew doing anything for Drew…so spare him the “doing his best.” Bo again tells Clint to mind his business, and Nora chimes in taking Bo’s side. Clint tells Bo and Nora that the problem Matthew has is that his parents are too soft on him. Matthew needs a good verbal lashing, and if they won’t do it, HE will!
Flash to Matthew and Jeffrey…they are sitting at the table on their individual laptops. Jeffrey is talking to Viki, Matthew is talking to his internet date Michelle on the phone. Jeffrey shakes his head ad heads out to go see Viki, and Danielle comes out. She starts talking intentionally loud to distract Matthew, and Matthew tells Michelle that his roommate is being a pain in the butt. He hangs up, and Dani tells him that he needs to realize that Michelle is just an addiction, and he might as well be smoking crack. (Uhhh…nope! The commentary!)
Flash over to Viki, Jeffrey tell her that her internet connection is not working, as she said, and he’ll be back the next day with a new router. He gets up to leave and notices Viki’s paperwork for the Pellegrino Fund on her coffee table. He frowns as he says that he’s heard of them before, but he doesn’t remember where. Viki jokes that it was probably brought up in one of his many blogs. He absent-mindedly replies, “yeah, maybe…” never taking his eyes off the paper while walking toward the door. Viki asks what’s the matter? He snaps out of his daze and tells Viki that he’s sure it’s a great fund.
Back to Club Shelter…Cutter orders Nikki to give Natalie a stiff cosmo drink. Nikki remarks that Cutter must really like Natalie because he usually makes her water the drinks down. Cutter said Nikki is telling a lie but Natalie deserves the best. Natalie asks why is that, and Cutter says because she looks amazing. Nikki says he says that to all the pretty girls. Natalie says she’s sure he does, because once a con man always a con man. Cutter says she’s wrong about him…he’s on the level now. He’s gonna prove it.
Flash over to the bar, Todd is there, and Blair joins him. Nikki serves his drink just as Dani comes sweeping through the entrance and grabs two shots, which she chucks back before going over to dance with a girl. Todd jumps up and says he’s gonna go dance with his daughter. Blair stops him, saying that won’t be a good idea. Todd says, fine, then you come dance with me…over there! Blair says not on your life. As soon as he sits back down, the lights go out. Panic sets in and Blair tells Todd to please tell her this isn’t a full blown disaster? He says sorry, but it is. Hold on, let me find Dani. He finds Dani and forces her to sit in a chair until the lights come back on. Dani complies with an attitude. Todd returns to Blair. She tells him she’s worried about financial loss. She can’t afford to pay everyone back. Todd says then keep everyone here until the lights come back on. How, she asks. SING! He says.
Flash over to Bo and Nora at home…Bo says he doesn’t want to talk about it. She says he needs to talk about it, ad Snoop Lion appears telling him that he needs to listen to his wife, she’s right. Snoop tells Bo to fill him in on what’s going on. Bo tells him he wanted to kick Clint’s butt for telling him that he’s a bad father because Matthew is a deadbeat dad, but the truth is on some level, Clint is right. Snoop tells him that this isn’t Bo’s fault. Matthew’s a man and he needs to step it up. Snoop promises to talk to Matthew the next day.
Flash back to Club Shelter…Todd and Blair are both affected by the song she sang. Todd races up the stairs with his flashlight and discovers that the power lines to the club were deliberately cut.