Health & Medical: Yoga - The Perfect Stress Management Technique

Yoga - The Perfect Stress Management Technique

People today are snowed under various kinds of stresses that range from work related stress to relationships related to stress due to health issues. Stress is a silent killer. It is important to relieve the body off this stress in order to lead a healthy life.

Health & Medical: How to Tell Kids Yoga Stories

How to Tell Kids Yoga Stories

Teaching Yoga to children can be a challenging and fun experience. Although first-time instructors might feel overwhelmed by the incredible amount of energy one room can hold, preparing ahead of time can make the kids' Yoga class a lot less intimidating for the teacher.

Health & Medical: Reiki Meditation Techniques - Finding the Right Music

Reiki Meditation Techniques - Finding the Right Music

For someone who practices the meditation techniques of Reiki, a meaningful choice of music is vital for the whole healing process. The music used for the Reiki meditation techniques is not only important for calming the mind of both the patient and the healer.

Health & Medical: My Expertise With Bikram Yoga

My Expertise With Bikram Yoga

Yoga's rejuvenating and mind-clearing talents are just about undisputable at now, but what about the more intense, physically trying expertise of Bikram yoga, a growing trend amongst yoga devotees? Here's my experience with Bikram yoga, and why I will most certainly be doing it again.

Health & Medical: The Practice of Transcendental Meditation

The Practice of Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a technique of meditation originally introduced in the West about the year 1958. This type of meditation technique was introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and say a short period of meditation. Transcendental Meditation is recommended twice a day for only twenty minutes p

Health & Medical: Yoga and the Sun Salutation Routine For Waking Up the Body and Mind

Yoga and the Sun Salutation Routine For Waking Up the Body and Mind

Yoga has so many benefits and many surprise results. If your initial goal is to get more limber, reduce anxiety or turn into one's quiet space you'll also find that you receive additional gains. The sun salutation is called surya namaskar in Sanskrit.

Health & Medical: Ashram Yoga - The Spiritual Tradition of Yoga From Past to Present

Ashram Yoga - The Spiritual Tradition of Yoga From Past to Present

Molded by over 10,000 of spiritual revelations and experiences, yoga is one of the oldest spiritual traditions alive today. While innumerable texts have been composed regarding the practice of yoga, a general overview of the yogic tradition can give insight into the development of this ancient spiri

Health & Medical: Famous Mentalists - Uri Geller

Famous Mentalists - Uri Geller

Uri Geller is one of the most famous mentalists in the world. His ability to perform seemingly impossible feats with his mental powers has awed people for many years. Geller's is probably best known for his ability to bend spoons with the power of his mind.

Health & Medical: The 1 Biggest Danger to Avoid When Doing Yoga For Carpal Tunnel

The 1 Biggest Danger to Avoid When Doing Yoga For Carpal Tunnel

Yoga can be an excellent activity to combat the onset and progression of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).When done correctly, it can be a valuable team mate to keep your wrists healthy. If you have wrist pain and numbness and you are contemplating starting yoga, there is one main danger that you should

Health & Medical: Teaching Hatha Yoga - When Should You Teach Free Yoga Classes?

Teaching Hatha Yoga - When Should You Teach Free Yoga Classes?

Sometimes, Yoga instructors are asked to teach classes for free; there is nothing wrong with giving your time for free, but this brings up many more underlying issues.Are "true Yogis" obligated to teach for free because anyone who would accept payment is violating the fifth Yama: Aparigrah

Health & Medical: Meditate To Medicate!

Meditate To Medicate!

An article you need to read if you have even a passing interest in how meditation can help boost immunity and energy levels. If you want an alternative to pills and potions every time you feel a little ill then check this article out for a little inspiration!

Health & Medical: Meditation For Now

Meditation For Now

Meditating is an unexpected solution to the stresses and complications of life.Many have found and continue to find the age-old art and discipline more than a solution.It is becoming the new health club craze of the millennium. The benefits are being given new credence and are the subject of studies

Health & Medical: Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief

Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief

What do Yoga and positive thinking have to do with each other?Think no further than the Yogic practice of meditation.Meditation, for positive thought, is a foundational component of Yoga.In the Yoga Sutras, written by Maharishi Patanjali, he describes the "Eight Limbs of Yoga."Some Gurus a

Health & Medical: How to Do the Sleeping Big Toe Pose With a Yoga Block

How to Do the Sleeping Big Toe Pose With a Yoga Block

In yoga, there are several variations of the sleeping big toe pose, those which require the yogi to lift the leg overhead and those which open the leg out to the side. When attempting to drop the leg out to the side in this pose, many people find that supporting the leg with a block helps to reduce