Health & Medical: Fight Swine Flu Through Yoga

Fight Swine Flu Through Yoga

The news which has dominated the world and made people forget about recession and other related issues has to do with swine flu. So what exactly is swine flu and why has it caused such an impact? Swine Flu also known as the H1N1 flu is one of the several kinds of swine influenza virus. It is predomi

Health & Medical: What Is Hypnotherapy?

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a procedure which uses the principles and foundations of hypnosis to help people to overcome obstacles, change their lifestyle or generally enrich their day to day life. By using the relaxation powers of hypnosis a trained hypnotherapist can help an individual to achieve their goals

Health & Medical: How to Do a Standing Half Moon Pose

How to Do a Standing Half Moon Pose

Standing half moon is a common yoga posture that helps to stretch your waist muscles. It is a simple posture to do to help open and lengthen the torso, back, shoulder and arm muscles. Even though it is a basic posture, it can be challenging to hold and give you a great stretch.

Health & Medical: The Different Types of Yoga

The Different Types of Yoga

Confused by the many types of yoga?With all the different styles and variations, it's no wonder.Don't let it get you down.This article will give an overview of the eight most popular styles of yoga - iyengar, kundalini, bikram, ashtanga, power, hatha, kripalu, and sivanda.Let us shed some

Health & Medical: Yoga Studios - How to Choose a Home For Yoga and Meditation

Yoga Studios - How to Choose a Home For Yoga and Meditation

If you are new to yoga, or new to the area and looking for a new studio to call your home, there are a few things you need to watch for when choosing a yoga studio. With the increase in the popularity of yoga, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of yoga studios as well as exercise fac

Health & Medical: A Yoga Pose For Your Active Lifestyle

A Yoga Pose For Your Active Lifestyle

Wondering why yoga is a recommended exercise for active individuals? Specific yoga pose targets precise muscles to either flex or stretch. Stretching these targeted muscles, especially when in pain, will relax the stiff muscles and joints thus easing the discomfort.

Health & Medical: Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief

Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief

What do Yoga and positive thinking have to do with each other?Think no further than the Yogic practice of meditation.Meditation, for positive thought, is a foundational component of Yoga.In the Yoga Sutras, written by Maharishi Patanjali, he describes the "Eight Limbs of Yoga."Some Gurus a

Health & Medical: Meditation For Now

Meditation For Now

Meditating is an unexpected solution to the stresses and complications of life.Many have found and continue to find the age-old art and discipline more than a solution.It is becoming the new health club craze of the millennium. The benefits are being given new credence and are the subject of studies

Health & Medical: Meditate To Medicate!

Meditate To Medicate!

An article you need to read if you have even a passing interest in how meditation can help boost immunity and energy levels. If you want an alternative to pills and potions every time you feel a little ill then check this article out for a little inspiration!

Health & Medical: Teaching Hatha Yoga - When Should You Teach Free Yoga Classes?

Teaching Hatha Yoga - When Should You Teach Free Yoga Classes?

Sometimes, Yoga instructors are asked to teach classes for free; there is nothing wrong with giving your time for free, but this brings up many more underlying issues.Are "true Yogis" obligated to teach for free because anyone who would accept payment is violating the fifth Yama: Aparigrah

Health & Medical: The 1 Biggest Danger to Avoid When Doing Yoga For Carpal Tunnel

The 1 Biggest Danger to Avoid When Doing Yoga For Carpal Tunnel

Yoga can be an excellent activity to combat the onset and progression of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).When done correctly, it can be a valuable team mate to keep your wrists healthy. If you have wrist pain and numbness and you are contemplating starting yoga, there is one main danger that you should

Health & Medical: The Practice of Transcendental Meditation

The Practice of Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a technique of meditation originally introduced in the West about the year 1958. This type of meditation technique was introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and say a short period of meditation. Transcendental Meditation is recommended twice a day for only twenty minutes p

Health & Medical: Yoga - The Perfect Stress Management Technique

Yoga - The Perfect Stress Management Technique

People today are snowed under various kinds of stresses that range from work related stress to relationships related to stress due to health issues. Stress is a silent killer. It is important to relieve the body off this stress in order to lead a healthy life.

Health & Medical: Breath Meditation

Breath Meditation

Your breathing is one of the easiest things to concentrate on during meditation. It is always there providing a solid life force whether you are aware of it or not. During this meditation technique we are going to focus solely on the breathing. This is a great way to relax and as a little side benef

Health & Medical: Flowering Techniques for the Bird of Paradise

Flowering Techniques for the Bird of Paradise

When in bloom, the bird of paradise plant provides some of the most unique and recognizable flowers in the plant world. However, the bird of paradise is a picky plant and requires fairly specific growing conditions to encourage its colorful blooms. No single cultural practice will cause the plant to