Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Humility Breeds Integrity

Humility Breeds Integrity

Some thoughts about the Wall Street protesters, a growing movement in a number of cities in the US. I believe we may have a group of well intentioned people aiming their anger in the right direction - but for the wrong, underlying reasons. "What we've got here is failure to communicate&quo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 15 amazing indian women freedom fighters

15 amazing indian women freedom fighters

Mahatma Gandhi squarely summed up the strength of womanhood in his tribute to the gender: 'To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to women. If by strength is meant mor

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dollar Sein

Dollar Sein

who lives and raises his three children at the Beresford on Central Park West, was spotted with his wife, Jessica, checking out an Upper East Side townhouse at 1 E. 94th St.over the weekend.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Five Popular Misconceptions About Forensic Investigation

Five Popular Misconceptions About Forensic Investigation

Only the police carry out forensic investigations.The escalation of sophisticated and complex financial crimes, often perpetrated across international borders has challenged the diminishing resources of regulators and law enforcement agencies.The abuse may not constitute or support a criminal convic

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Liberals Intolerant of Opposing Views

Liberals Intolerant of Opposing Views

Actually, based on my past experience with and observation of liberals over the years, I should not have been surprised. This was not the first time one of them had blocked me on Twitter because they

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Not Your Everyday Reusable Shopping Bag

Not Your Everyday Reusable Shopping Bag

What’s the point of reusable bags if you have to replace them?When my reusable grocery store bags gave out, I went looking for bags that would last longer and, I admit, I was hoping to find something that looked a little better, too.Really, who likes carrying around those cheesy looking, paper

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Teach English In Vietnam And Begin A Promising Career

Teach English In Vietnam And Begin A Promising Career

The major factor that has aided in the large scale advancement of the country is the modern and scientific education that has been imparted by the government from the primary level itself. It is for this very reason that regular English classes are being rendered by knowledgeable teachers in each an

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: And That's My Take (Pope Apology Insufficient)

And That's My Take (Pope Apology Insufficient)

After decades of known abuse, the Vatican has issued an apology letter to Irish victims. This is insufficient. There are victims worldwide and a simple apology is insulting.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Features Of A Proficient Commander

The Features Of A Proficient Commander

Should you wish to be similar to Dato Najib Tun Razak, or other good leaders, you should have the talents to influence your supporters that you are worthwhile of being followed. How you can specifical

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Cell Phones - An Uneccesary Evil

Cell Phones - An Uneccesary Evil

Is everybody so important these days that it is crucial to be available every waking moment to someone's beck and, quite literally, call? Having a cell phone glued to the ear is about as attractive as having a cigarette dangling out of the corner of one's mouth.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Doctors, Lawyers, and Insurance Companies - Who's Really Responsible?

Doctors, Lawyers, and Insurance Companies - Who's Really Responsible?

Centuries ago, a wise sage from the East, by the name of Lao Tzu, pointed out that the proliferation of laws was a sign of the decline of a civilization. What this means is, the poorer the people are at governing themselves, the more laws are necessary by means of which to govern them.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Gender Equality in Different Countries Has Been Rated

Gender Equality in Different Countries Has Been Rated

Socio-economic indexes of 128 countries of the world (90% of the world population) were analyzed in this report. The best equality between the genders was found in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.