Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Parting Ways As Brethren

Parting Ways As Brethren

America under the Declaration of Independence and Constitution can't really be squared with Islam and sharia law. That's an undeniable fact if objectively analyzed, but it doesn't have to lead to conflict and conflagraton. Let each go their own way, and let the fruits speak for themse

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Role of religion in the 'corporate behaviour' of man

Role of religion in the 'corporate behaviour' of man

The religion has indeed contributed to the 'corporate behaviour' of man in many ways..... during conflicts, most corporate leaders search for a sacrificial goat to hide their mistake

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Positive Message To Get Behind - PLEASE share this!

A Positive Message To Get Behind - PLEASE share this!

I know that sometimes I can often bring a lot of emotion into my posts. The main reason is that I am afraid for my nation and my people. I don't mean just the white people, but Americans as a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Go Green - Tips on Going Green for the Holidays

Go Green - Tips on Going Green for the Holidays

With the holiday season right around the corner, 'tis the season to be green.The holidays can be one of the least eco-friendly times of the year, so it's important that this year we don't forget to ke

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: If Obama Really Wants to Help People Why Not Give All of Them Free GSA Cars?

If Obama Really Wants to Help People Why Not Give All of Them Free GSA Cars?

Apparently, the latest news is President Obama's Administration wants to give $250 to all seniors. Some believe this may be a bribe using taxpayer's money to create the illusion and perception that the Obama Administration's health care bill is in their best interests, and that he has

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Power Behind The Stones - Birthstones & Their Significance

The Power Behind The Stones - Birthstones & Their Significance

Most people are aware that birthstones exist, but very few know the names of the stones related to the various months (apart from possibly their own), let alone any meaning or 'power' that is supposedly associated with each one. As a brief guide you will find the names of the stones listed

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: DiamondsIts Birth And History

DiamondsIts Birth And History

About 2-3 billion years ago, carbon bearing rock about 100 miles below the earth's surface was put under immense pressure and heated up to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit. The carbon atoms were forced to rearrange themselves in a crystalline structure and became diamonds. Various elements found their w

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Meaning of a Chinese Lantern

The Meaning of a Chinese Lantern

You will rarely see one solitary Chinese lantern, rather you'll see several at once, perhaps hundreds, floating up in the night sky. The traditional use of a this type of lantern began when civilians in China first recognised the beauty of the lanterns, which were originally used as signalling

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Do not forget you are an atom living on a pin's head!

Do not forget you are an atom living on a pin's head!

From outer space our planet earth nearly is non existent. Comeing closer you will see a point of a pins' head with seven billions of humans living on it, not forgetting two millions of animal

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Law , Gender and Society

Law , Gender and Society

It is basically a detailed account of the destiny of inumerable women belonging to the weaker section of the society in India , and their repugnanat fate.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 4 Special Gift Ideas For A Dear Aunt Or Uncle

4 Special Gift Ideas For A Dear Aunt Or Uncle

You can make an aunt or uncle feel special by giving them something such as a ticket to a dinner concert, a gift certificate to a spa, personalized gifts, or a gift card to a popular store.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Gift Exchange and Reciprocity - The Burdens and the Benefits

Gift Exchange and Reciprocity - The Burdens and the Benefits

Gift giving in contemporary developed societies is so commonplace that we may not think that it holds any great significance in our cultural life. However, giving gifts is actually one way in which we solidify our social relationships by utilising the gift as a symbolic gesture of goodwill, acknowle

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dreaded 'Sex Talk' Gets a Little Easier

Dreaded 'Sex Talk' Gets a Little Easier

Freedom Begins Here ( announced today the launch of a new product: 'Father + Son: Talk About Sex' meant to help initiate and guide the discussion about sex between Fat

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Online passport system to go digital

Online passport system to go digital

The given post-up gives brief information about passport system becoming digital as experiments are conducted in different states of India.