Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Taking Care Of Your Rechargeable Batteries

Taking Care Of Your Rechargeable Batteries

How to care for your rechargeable batteries is one of those questions I get asked all the time. And it's a great question, as new technology has made rechargeables last a lot longer and much easier to use.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Photo Storage Tips

Photo Storage Tips

There once came a time when the digital camera and digital photo frames were not invented yet, that photos were printed from camera films. While the quality of these printed photographs were okay back then, there was the constant problem of where to keep the photo negatives. Another problem that was

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Learn Digital Photography - How to Get Over Photographer's Block

Learn Digital Photography - How to Get Over Photographer's Block

I find that at times I sit back and just cannot come up with ideas for my photography. The ideas and inspiration just seems to have dried up. No matter what I do nothing happens. So what then needs to happen and how do you get creative again?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Louisiana Film Grants

Louisiana Film Grants

Several organizations in Louisiana offer film making grants with monetary value ranging from $200 to $7,500.cameraman image by Jerome Dancette from Fotolia.comRecent tax credits and production incentives given to filmmakers in Louisiana have boosted the state’s film projects in the...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Photograph People in Creative Photography

How to Photograph People in Creative Photography

Photographing people requires camera skills and people skills. The portrait photographer must be able to interact with her subjects and maintain an eye for lighting and the right shot. Photographing people unaware also calls for skill and finding a delicate balance between invasion and spontaneity.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Take Sports Photos With a Nikon D80

How to Take Sports Photos With a Nikon D80

Taking sport action pictures can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether taking pictures of a child’s sporting event or of professional athletes sport pictures can catch an array of emotions and action that become frozen in a second of time. However, it is important to have the camera set p

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: All About Professional Photography

All About Professional Photography

Skilled photography consists of many fields such as photography for documentation, merchants, services and industries. Skilled photography practices tend to spread larger than the relatives portraits studio. The result of a skilled photography service should be equal, consistence and well processed.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Take Motion Shots Like a Pro

How to Take Motion Shots Like a Pro

How to take great pictures is sometimes a challenging endeavor for beginner and professional photographers and hobbyists. It is even more challenging when attempting to take motion shots of moving objects using effects such as ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The best camera tripods

The best camera tripods

Among other of its plans are: honoring those who have given valued service to photography; the formation of a library; the establishment of a home headquarters; the distribution of knowledge tending toward the making of ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Product Photography in Modern World

Product Photography in Modern World

Where quality photography does comes in handy? It is essential when your customers cannot see your products face-to-face. How can it help? A combination of photographic expertise and professional-grade equipment can make all the difference ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Commercial Photographer and The Festive Season

Commercial Photographer and The Festive Season

Christmas and New Year are just round the corner and this is the time when a commercial photographer can make the best use of the festive season and the celebration mood that people are in. Find out how he can use this opportunity in the best possible way.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Find Liu Wei Biography and Artwork at Saatchi-Gallery

Find Liu Wei Biography and Artwork at Saatchi-Gallery

Liu Wei was one of the major artists associated with the Cynical Realism (Wanshi xianshizhuyi) movement that emerged post 1989. Earning his degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing in 1989, Liu would go on to create paintings that typified much of the malaise felt post-Tiananmen Inciden

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Landscape Photography - Five Tips For Unique Photos That Sell

Landscape Photography - Five Tips For Unique Photos That Sell

Digital cameras make it easy for anybody to produce 'good' nature photography. These days, 'good' is not good enough; if you want to make a living, your photograph must be a step above the average. Here are five tips for some truly distinctive nature photos.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Which Camera?

Which Camera?

I usually like to use prime lenses for most of my stuff - less (or no) distortions, sharper, faster...why bother with zooms? Primes also help you take better pictures, in my opinion...really working to get the right composition and crop manually, on your feet...this helps...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 2 Photo Tips To Improve Your Landscape Photography!

2 Photo Tips To Improve Your Landscape Photography!

To get the best landscape photos, you will need to have a few filters on your lenses. Not added later in Photoshop. Plus, you will often run into a need for a rubber band - here's what to do…

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: It's Time to Learn Boudoir Art

It's Time to Learn Boudoir Art

Most of us have been captured by the beauty that boudoir art bestows. It is unimaginable how women who are almost naked are presented in a way that is artful, beautiful, and elegant. This is the reason why more and more people are getting hooked on this art form.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Various Brands of Binoculars for Distinct Endeavours

Various Brands of Binoculars for Distinct Endeavours

Binoculars are a type of telescopes used in outdoor activities like birding, boating, trekking, racing, hunting, and sports activities. What makes it distinct from the standard telescope is it lets the user to use both ...