Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Better Way to Sell Stock Photos

A Better Way to Sell Stock Photos

Anyone who's been involved in stock photography for any length of time will know that photographers have been getting a pretty poor deal in recent years. High competition has meant that most photographers are getting considerably less sales than in years gone by and those sales they do pick up

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Learn Selective Sepia Focus Using Photoshop

Learn Selective Sepia Focus Using Photoshop

One of the most popular and most appealing effects for photographs is the sepia effect. This effect adds an old world feel to your photograph and also induces a nostalgic feeling...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Advertising Photography and the Future

Advertising Photography and the Future

Advertising photography has evolved and there is much more we can expect in the future. What does the future of advertising photography have in store? Where do we go from here? An insight.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Use the Chroma Key Backdrops

How to Use the Chroma Key Backdrops

Chroma key backdrops are integral tools in film and video production. They make extreme or impossible locations and effects attainable. Some of the biggest blockbusters in modern movie history have used chroma key technology; James Cameron's "Titanic", Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" and Geo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Journey to a Wedding by a Wedding Photographer

The Journey to a Wedding by a Wedding Photographer

The journey to a wedding can be a real nightmare, because a wedding photographer simply cannot be late. If you plan everything carefully, you'll have nothing to worry about; the important thing is planning well ahead. On the few occasions when the photographer is late, the whole wedding comes t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Get a Sports Picture Published

How to Get a Sports Picture Published

It can be thrilling to get a sports photo published. In addition to the possibility of earning some money, the satisfaction of seeing it published is a reward in itself. It's also a great way to promote a certain athlete or team. Shooting a quality photo is the first big step. The second is getting

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: House Removal Services - Carriage House Plans

House Removal Services - Carriage House Plans

Collect multiple quotes The quotation procedure may take a few weeks and selecting a suitable date may take some more time. Therefore, give yourself enough time to appoint a reliable removal agency; don't rush into ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Digital Photography - Colour Balancing

Digital Photography - Colour Balancing

All image-manipulation software allows you to adjust the overall colour of an image. Most also offers Levels and Curves control. In powerful software, such as Photoshop, you have separate tools for controlling an imaged hue and saturation, as well as others for replacing specified colours.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dos and don'ts of planning a wedding

Dos and don'ts of planning a wedding

First best solution to eliminate the unwanted stress can be the practical view towards every aspect and not to expect too much of objectives on any issue. If you anticipate more from a person but he o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: To Edit or Not to Edit With Prints, That Is the Question

To Edit or Not to Edit With Prints, That Is the Question

At one point, I had a project of making conceptual images that would involved mirrors. The mirror would be the starting point to explore a number of ideas, based around the human mind, the spirit and the future. I recall that at the time I was literally driving with mirrors in the back of my car, no

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Getting Certified As a Professional Photographer

Getting Certified As a Professional Photographer

As someone who went to school, studied photography and graduated with a BFA in Photography and Design - getting certified wasn't something initially on my list of things to do as I learned a lot of the certification requirements in school. However, being out of school for five years and with th

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Photography Home Business - The Assumptions I Would Forget

Photography Home Business - The Assumptions I Would Forget

People having the knowledge and urge for photography ask me for advice. They are looking their way in setting up a photography home business. Some of them have tried to work for another photographer, and circumstances make them looking for setting up a photography business of their own.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Great Scope Of Wedding Photography

The Great Scope Of Wedding Photography

For wedding photography, the scope of achievement matters, which is manifest in the provision of accurate and competitive depiction of the most pleasurable moments in the occasion. Thus the shooting services feature a well planned program that would conveniently accommodate all the different rituals

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Digi Camera and Residual Income

Digi Camera and Residual Income

Digi camera photos are becoming more and more popular. It sure beats taking your film in and having to wait for it to be developed. The other real benefits are you can see your pictures instantly and you are able to load them directly to your computer where you can share them with your friends and l

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Stock Photography - The Missing Ingredient

Stock Photography - The Missing Ingredient

Traditionally Stock Photography has always been promoted to photographers as a great way to make money from their existing work without having to do anything. The library does the selling, arranges payment and delivery, deducts their fee and sends the photographer a cheque from time to time. Unfortu

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Editing Images: Basic Photography

Editing Images: Basic Photography

Ansel Adams said: "I have often thought that if photography were difficult in the true sense of the term, meaning that the creation of a simple photograph would entail as much time and effort as the production of a good watercolor or etching, there would be a cast improvement in total output. T