Pets & Animal: Vital Pet Vaccines - Responsible Pet Ownership and Awareness

Vital Pet Vaccines - Responsible Pet Ownership and Awareness

Ensuring the health of your pet throughout its life is not only important but necessary for its longevity. Yearly vet-administered pet vaccines will guarantee that your dog or cat remain happy and healthy for its entire life. Following the law and inoculating your new best friend from the harmful di

Pets & Animal: Dog Training Academy- Why do you need it?

Dog Training Academy- Why do you need it?

What is the importance of dog training? If you are reading this article, then I gather that you are an animal lover. Who doesn't love dogs?

Pets & Animal: The Benefits of Feeding Your Boston Terrier Homemade Dog Food

The Benefits of Feeding Your Boston Terrier Homemade Dog Food

Boston Terriers [], or Boston Bull Terriers, are prone to allergies, so if your dog scratches or licks his or her feet a lot, you might want to consider making home made dog food []. ...

Pets & Animal: The Real Story Behind The Fashionable Poodle Do

The Real Story Behind The Fashionable Poodle Do

The Standard Poodle is one of the most recognizable breeds in the world. This honor is mainly due to their dramatic and unique grooming styles. But do you know why poodles really wear those "fu ...

Pets & Animal: Heartworm Treatment & Toxicity

Heartworm Treatment & Toxicity

Heartworm disease has been diagnosed in all 50 states. Larvae spread through mosquito bites. If your dog is not on a preventative or the preventative fails for some reason, your dog must be treated for heartworms or the condition will be fatal.

Pets & Animal: Why Did Dodos Go Extinct?

Why Did Dodos Go Extinct?

The last live dodo was seen in 1681 on the island of Mauritius, about 500 miles east of Madagascar. Information on the species is limited because scientists never got to study a live specimen. However, several factors undoubtedly played a part in wiping out the species.

Pets & Animal: Iguana Breeding Season Aggression

Iguana Breeding Season Aggression

He killed it for over 20 minutes and we eventually made a plan to get the frog away from him by pushing it with a broom out the door.

Pets & Animal: Essential Valentine Pet Gifts

Essential Valentine Pet Gifts

With the world celebrating the Valentine's Day, it is a perfect time too to show our affections and love to the dearest, naughty, playful and very warm member of the family. This PetStreetMal

Pets & Animal: How to Stop Earmites

How to Stop Earmites

Earmites affect dogs and cats frequently, and are particularly troublesome because they spread among animals easily. These blood-sucking microscopic bugs are so contagious that they can spread to your pet after just brief contact with an affected animal. Knowing how to stop and control earmites help

Pets & Animal: How to Choose Koi Fish

How to Choose Koi Fish

The keeping of Koi fish continues to gain popularity among a vast number of people. Keeping this fish is not only a responsibility but it also very enjoyable as one has to maintain a whole ...

Pets & Animal: Tropical Fish Tank Guide! Decorations

Tropical Fish Tank Guide! Decorations

The success of a tropical fish tank depends greatly on the decorations! Not only will it determine how active and colourful (and most importantly, how healthy!) your fish will be, but it will also det

Pets & Animal: Is Your Cat Misbehaving? 4 Tips to Understanding Your Cat

Is Your Cat Misbehaving? 4 Tips to Understanding Your Cat

Despite their status as the most popular pet in America, cats can still be difficult. With their sometimes aloof attitudes and unwillingness to tell us what they want, figuring out your cat can be tough. ...

Pets & Animal: Useful Knowledge About Your Pets

Useful Knowledge About Your Pets

Most animals do not have complicated and various facial expressions nor do the dogs. However, dogs have their own ways to show their expressions and feelings. Dogs like cats and other animals with a tail ...

Pets & Animal: Obesity In Dogs

Obesity In Dogs

Numerous studies have shown that very much more Americans are obese these days than at any time ahead of and, interestingly, we're not the only ones. Not merely are Americans fatter than at any time, ...

Pets & Animal: Urinary Problems In Cats - Simple Prevention Steps

Urinary Problems In Cats - Simple Prevention Steps

Urinary problems in cats can be a painful and recurring problem. Cats with weakened immune systems, such as those that are already ill or elderly, are at a greater risk for urinary issues. In many cases, these problems in cats can be greatly reduced, or avoided entirely with preventative care.

Pets & Animal: Ferret Cage Ideas

Ferret Cage Ideas

Being in a cage all the time can be extremely dull, especially for an energetic pet like a ferret. Ferrets need fun, enrichment and exercise, in order to live a healthy and fulfilling life; So, it is important to give your pet lots of items in his cage to keep it from feeling bored. With a few cage

Pets & Animal: Animal Behaviors Related to Reproduction

Animal Behaviors Related to Reproduction

Reproductive behaviors of various species oftentimes determines which genes evolve.bugs reproductions image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.comAt the roots of reproduction lays one of the general principles of evolution--passing on genetic material. Every living creature's body has become a...

Pets & Animal: Setting-up the Perfect Hermit Crab Habitat

Setting-up the Perfect Hermit Crab Habitat

If you are into owning exotic pets, hermit crabs are one of the cheapest pet that you can have. While it is a common perception that hermit crabs are throwaway pets that could only survive ...