Pets & Animal: How Do I Tell If My Dog Is Sick?

How Do I Tell If My Dog Is Sick?

Sometimes it's hard for pet owners to tell if their dog is sick. Unlike kids or babies who can cry when they're not feeling well, dogs can't speak up and tell us what or how they are feeling. But there are usually tell tale signs that you can watch out for to help you determine if you

Pets & Animal: Nail Infections in Dogs

Nail Infections in Dogs

Nail infections in dogs can be hard to spot, difficult to treat, slow to heal and immensely painful and debilitating for your pet. The key is to prevent them from happening in the first place, but in those cases where that just isn't possible, knowledge, patience and your veterinarian are your next

Pets & Animal: How to Wash Dog Bedding to Get Rid of Fleas

How to Wash Dog Bedding to Get Rid of Fleas

If your dog has been infested with fleas it can be easily treated with Frontline for dogs. However, you will also need to thoroughly clean your pet's bedding so that these blood-sucking parasites do not come back again.

Pets & Animal: Dog Grooming - No Longer a Bucket & Soap

Dog Grooming - No Longer a Bucket & Soap

Do you have a grooming routine for your dog? Do you know what's important and what's just fluff in a dog grooming routine? Are you doing all you can for your dog? Join the conversation to see how you can maintain a healthy dog.

Pets & Animal: How Do Dogs Ears Work?

How Do Dogs Ears Work?

AnatomyAnatomy diagramA dog's ear has three major parts, an inner, middle and outer ear. The outer ear is the ear flap, also known as the pinna. This pinna is shaped differently according to the breed of dog. The pinna funnels sound into the ear canal. The ear canal is long and almost...

Pets & Animal: Help My Dog Barks at My Kids!

Help My Dog Barks at My Kids!

If your dog barks at your kids I am sure that you will want to stop them from doing this behavior quickly. That is if you even decide to keep your puppy around because of the barking, but if you are like me you will probably want to stop him from barking before considering getting rid of your pet.

Pets & Animal: Dog Training Aids To The Rescue

Dog Training Aids To The Rescue

In trying to train your dog to become the best companion you ever had, you need to have the right equipment.These tools can clearly spell the difference between success and failure in your dog training efforts. Know more about these dog training aids by reading this article.

Pets & Animal: How to Prevent Dog Anemia

How to Prevent Dog Anemia

Various factors contribute to anemia in dogs. Everything from fleas to genetic diseases can cause bleeding and loss of blood which will result in a low blood cell count.

Pets & Animal: Helpful Answers About Treating Bladder Stones in Dogs

Helpful Answers About Treating Bladder Stones in Dogs

Treating bladder stones in dogs is a story that can go untold or one that has a hair rising ending. The players are rock hard composites of minerals (calcium, ammonium, phosphate, magnesium, etc) that can range in size from tiny to very large (three inches in diameter). There are three basic types a

Pets & Animal: Cedar Dog Houses - Your Dogs' Protection

Cedar Dog Houses - Your Dogs' Protection

Dogs also deserve comfortable place to stay that would protect them from rain, cold or heat. If you got a dog in your home, you better have dog house outside your house for your dog to sleep if you don't want it to stay inside the house.

Pets & Animal: "S" Dog Breeds

"S" Dog Breeds

"S" dog breeds - quickly find the dog breed information you need with this alphabetical listing of dog breeds.

Pets & Animal: Important Dog Tips For Christmas

Important Dog Tips For Christmas

Is it okay for your dog to participate in your Christmas dinner? Learn why the holidays may become a health hazard for your pooch.

Pets & Animal: Information on the Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Information on the Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is an excellent gun dog that likes to swim and can work well in cold weather. This is a large dog that has a distinctive oily coat that helps with repel water. The breed is different than other retrievers in that he can be more aggressive, willful and reserved with stran

Pets & Animal: Great Ideas On Training A German Shepherd

Great Ideas On Training A German Shepherd

There are many different styles training a German shepherd, and finding the one that works best for you is important for creating a dog that is a talented, loyal and faithful member of the family. All successful methods of dog training work to reinforce the relationship between dog and handler, and

Pets & Animal: 5 Tips to Help Solve Common Dog Housebreaking Problems

5 Tips to Help Solve Common Dog Housebreaking Problems

Dog housebreaking problems are very common and can be a big source of stress to a dog owner. It seems like you have tried everything but nothing works and you seem to be at a loss as to what to do next. Here are 5 tips to try before you give up on your dog.

Pets & Animal: Pet Products and Gift Ideas for Dogs

Pet Products and Gift Ideas for Dogs

Giving presents is one of the most common ways that we show our appreciation and affection for those we care about. This is usually done during holidays and special occasions such as Christmas and birthdays. However, this tradition is not limited to humans as we can also give gifts to our furry comp

Pets & Animal: Before You Re-Home Your Dog

Before You Re-Home Your Dog

Re-homing your dog is a very important decisions and shouldn't be taken lightly. These are some things to consider before you re-home your dog.

Pets & Animal: What Are the Treatments for a Dog With a Torn Ligament?

What Are the Treatments for a Dog With a Torn Ligament?

A ligament injury can seriously resrict the mobility of a image by Joanna Redesiuk from Fotolia.comLigaments are bands of a tough, fibrous material designed to keep bones in the correct position. The most common ligament injury in dogs is the cranial cruciate ligament. This...