Pets & Animal: Preparing Your Living Space For A New Puppy

Preparing Your Living Space For A New Puppy

You know that when you or someone you know has a baby that they must baby-proof their house right?Well, believe it or not the same should happen when you get a new puppy just to a different extent.

Pets & Animal: Puppy Care & What They Shouldn't Eat

Puppy Care & What They Shouldn't Eat

Bringing a new puppy home requires lots of time and some careful planning. The first weeks of a puppy's life involves lots of sleep, eating and socializing all of which are usually handled by the mother. If the puppy and mother have been separated, it becomes necessary for owners to provide care. Th

Pets & Animal: How To Easily Make Homemade Dog Food

How To Easily Make Homemade Dog Food

If you want to have a really healthy pet then you need to learn how to make homemade dog food. It's not that difficult. Just take a look at what dogs ate in the wild before they became domesticated.

Pets & Animal: Best Dog Food For Dog Food Allergies

Best Dog Food For Dog Food Allergies

You have no doubt wondered what the best food for your dogs allergies is. You may have also even realized how complicated a question this really is. The simple answer is that there is no best food for a dog with allergies, but you may be able to locate a food that is the best for your dog's all

Pets & Animal: How to Pull Hair Out of a Toy Poodle's Ears

How to Pull Hair Out of a Toy Poodle's Ears

Regular grooming is important for any toy poodle, whether or not you choose to enter him in a show ring. Long, excessive ear hair can trap dirt and bacteria, leading to painful ear infections. It also can impair the toy poodle's hearing. Pulling out ear hair every three to four weeks prevents build

Pets & Animal: Biotechnological Issues

Biotechnological Issues

Biotechnology, the use of living organisms and biological processes for medicine, agriculture, industry, technology or applied biology, is an old science that goes as far back as the domestication of basic grains. Rapid modern advancements in biotechnology, from genetically modified crops to cloning

Pets & Animal: How to Sew a Cover for a Dog Crate

How to Sew a Cover for a Dog Crate

You can help your dog feel warmer and more secure in his crate by sewing a cover for it. This crate cover requires only basic sewing skills. It is made from fleece, which does not ravel, so you don't need to worry about finishing seams or even making a hem at the bottom. The side seams of the crate

Pets & Animal: Will a Male or Female Chihuahua Make a Better Pet?

Will a Male or Female Chihuahua Make a Better Pet?

There is much discussion that goes into this debate, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Personally, I have owned both sexes, and while there are certain trends with each, it would be unfair to say that one sex is "better" than the other. It is important to evaluate each animal

Pets & Animal: How to Open a Dog Grooming Business

How to Open a Dog Grooming Business

According to the Humane Society of the United States, approximately 77.5 million households in the United States have a dog living as a member of the family. These dogs account for billions of dollars circulating through the pet food, care and veterinary industries. One way to get into this booming

Pets & Animal: How to Stop a Dog Biting

How to Stop a Dog Biting

When puppies are first brought into the world it's only natural for them to start to learn about the environment around them using their mouths. However this can cause problems because you don't want your dog to start to believe that biting is okay, but you also don't want to punish i

Pets & Animal: What Happens When a Dog Bites Its Owner?

What Happens When a Dog Bites Its Owner?

Dogs use their mouths the way humans use their hands. They explore and learn by tasting things and feeling with their mouths. Dogs, especially puppies, may bite their owners seemingly without reason as part of this learning process; however, there are a number of other causes for dog bites and plent

Pets & Animal: Training A Chihuahua

Training A Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is again experiencing a rise in popularity because of its gorgeous pixy-like appearance and convenient size, it makes even tough grown people buckle at the knees. With its beautiful, large dark eyes, this little pooch has been responsible for persuading even the most astute Chihuahua o

Pets & Animal: How to Build Dog Agility

How to Build Dog Agility

Dog agility is a competitive sport for dogs. In this event, a dog is timed as she goes over, under and through a series of obstacles. The dog is graded on speed and on overall performance as it relates to the dog agility competition. Your pet can be trained in dog agility as a competitive sport, or

Pets & Animal: Dogs Life Span - Best Tips Revealed

Dogs Life Span - Best Tips Revealed

For those families who love their dogs more than their other pets, they do not want any other things than to extend dog life span. But what these families know, there are studies that say that genetics and the dog's breed type can greatly affect the lifespan of their dogs.

Pets & Animal: Dog Have Cancer? You Can Help With Research

Dog Have Cancer? You Can Help With Research

If your dog has cancer they can help with new genetic research to help understand and treat cancer in both dogs and humans. Dogs have a high rate of cancer so they provide good study subjects for cancer studies.

Pets & Animal: The Truth About Jack Russells Terriers

The Truth About Jack Russells Terriers

I am a lover of Jack Russell Terriers. In fact I own one. This has been the best dog I have ever had. Saying that there are several things you must consider before you bring a Jack Russell into your life.