You can go through your dog training activities in a breeze if you are equipped with all the right stuff.
Among the basic items that you will need in training your dog are a 6-foot leather leash, a slip or choke collar, a 15-foot line, cotton rope or webbing, bait pouches, a crate or exercise pen, baby gates, motivational toys and grooming tools.
Leashes or Leads There is a wide variety of leashes available in the market today.
Leashes can be made from a number of different materials and may come in different sizes and widths.
Among the most common materials used for leashes are leather, nylon and chain.
For maximum comfort for both you and your dog, it would be advisable to choose a 6-foot leash made from good quality leather and use it during your dog training sessions.
Among the many advantages of using leather leashes are the following: .
It can provide more comfort for you and your dog during trainings.
Unlike nylon leads, good quality leather does not cut or burn your skin.
And unlike chain leashes, leather leads do not produce earsplitting noises.
It is lightweight and is therefore easier to carry.
Leather leashes last a lot longer.
They can even last for several years! Collars Using slip or training collars can be a logical choice when you are trying to train your dog.
These collars tighten as the dog pulls and loosen as he/she relaxes giving your dog the appropriate signals whenever he/she is making a mistake.
However, collars should never be used to punish or choke your dog.
When buying a collar, make sure you pick one that fits your dog properly.
Collars that are either too small or too large can be dangerous and extremely irritating to your dog.
Dogs who do not respond to slip collars would do better with a halter.
A halter fits over the dog's head and muzzle while allowing him/her to pant and to drink.
You can easily control the direction of the dog's head and his entire body as well by using a halter.
The 15-Foot Line A 15-foot line is like a long leash that enables you to control your dog even at a distance.
You can easily grab it at different places to show your dog who the boss is and as such, can be a very good dog training device.
Bait Pouches Having dog treats in your pockets can be one of the worst inconveniences you can encounter during your dog training sessions.
When the treats are scattered on your pockets, you might fumble for a while just to find where they are.
As a result, there will be a delay between the time your dog performs something worthy of a treat and the actual time when the treat is given.
You may not promptly give your dog the reward he or she deserves and hence, defeating the purpose of the activity altogether.
To solve this, consider purchasing or making your own bait pouches.
These bait pouches can be made up from any ordinary canvas tool pouches and tied around your waist during your dog training activities.
This will make access to the goodies a lot easier and your dog wouldn't have to wait around indefinitely as you fumble for the doggie treats they just earned! A final word of advice - do not trust every word your friendly salesman has to say.
All of these items were designed to make your dog training efforts incredibly easy but with the popularity of these products in the market, a lot of manufacturers are out there to make a buck or two from unsuspecting dog owners!Know what really works and what doesn't.
You need to know which of these gears deliver on their promises and which ones were designed specifically to make a profit.
It would be best to do your research extensively and seek advice from credible sources to know more about these things.
Among the basic items that you will need in training your dog are a 6-foot leather leash, a slip or choke collar, a 15-foot line, cotton rope or webbing, bait pouches, a crate or exercise pen, baby gates, motivational toys and grooming tools.
Leashes or Leads There is a wide variety of leashes available in the market today.
Leashes can be made from a number of different materials and may come in different sizes and widths.
Among the most common materials used for leashes are leather, nylon and chain.
For maximum comfort for both you and your dog, it would be advisable to choose a 6-foot leash made from good quality leather and use it during your dog training sessions.
Among the many advantages of using leather leashes are the following: .
It can provide more comfort for you and your dog during trainings.
Unlike nylon leads, good quality leather does not cut or burn your skin.
And unlike chain leashes, leather leads do not produce earsplitting noises.
It is lightweight and is therefore easier to carry.
Leather leashes last a lot longer.
They can even last for several years! Collars Using slip or training collars can be a logical choice when you are trying to train your dog.
These collars tighten as the dog pulls and loosen as he/she relaxes giving your dog the appropriate signals whenever he/she is making a mistake.
However, collars should never be used to punish or choke your dog.
When buying a collar, make sure you pick one that fits your dog properly.
Collars that are either too small or too large can be dangerous and extremely irritating to your dog.
Dogs who do not respond to slip collars would do better with a halter.
A halter fits over the dog's head and muzzle while allowing him/her to pant and to drink.
You can easily control the direction of the dog's head and his entire body as well by using a halter.
The 15-Foot Line A 15-foot line is like a long leash that enables you to control your dog even at a distance.
You can easily grab it at different places to show your dog who the boss is and as such, can be a very good dog training device.
Bait Pouches Having dog treats in your pockets can be one of the worst inconveniences you can encounter during your dog training sessions.
When the treats are scattered on your pockets, you might fumble for a while just to find where they are.
As a result, there will be a delay between the time your dog performs something worthy of a treat and the actual time when the treat is given.
You may not promptly give your dog the reward he or she deserves and hence, defeating the purpose of the activity altogether.
To solve this, consider purchasing or making your own bait pouches.
These bait pouches can be made up from any ordinary canvas tool pouches and tied around your waist during your dog training activities.
This will make access to the goodies a lot easier and your dog wouldn't have to wait around indefinitely as you fumble for the doggie treats they just earned! A final word of advice - do not trust every word your friendly salesman has to say.
All of these items were designed to make your dog training efforts incredibly easy but with the popularity of these products in the market, a lot of manufacturers are out there to make a buck or two from unsuspecting dog owners!Know what really works and what doesn't.
You need to know which of these gears deliver on their promises and which ones were designed specifically to make a profit.
It would be best to do your research extensively and seek advice from credible sources to know more about these things.