Home & Garden: Wireless Security- Securing Your Home

Wireless Security- Securing Your Home

It takes more to ensure the safety of your home than just protecting the property from intruders. You need to also protect your home and your loved ones from other threats such as health hazards, fire, flooding and even gas leaks. This is where wireless home security becomes necessary.

Home & Garden: What Is Aggravated Burglary?

What Is Aggravated Burglary?

There are various classifications of burglary, including first-, second- and third degree, all of which are degrees of severity and carry different penalties. Aggravated burglary is one of the most serious types of burglary charges.

Home & Garden: How to Cut OSB

How to Cut OSB

OSB, or oriented strand board, is one of the leading alternatives to plywood. OSB is commonly used for many applications, including roofing and other types of construction. OSB is usually sold in 4-by-8-foot sheets and is made of wood chips pressed together. While OSB may look and feel a little diff

Home & Garden: Home Surveillance: Know More About Various Security Systems

Home Surveillance: Know More About Various Security Systems

Crimes including break-ins and burglaries continue to plague law abiding citizens each and every day. Criminals have schemes and plans to maneuver their ways into private homes in order to burglarize them. Homeowners need to ...

Home & Garden: How to Keep Flies Out of Your House's Garbage Cans

How to Keep Flies Out of Your House's Garbage Cans

Flies can be a nuisance, especially if they manage to get into your house. They can really become a problem if they gain access to the garbage cans in your home. If flies decide your garbage can would make a suitable bed and breakfast, you can bet your garbage can is where they’ll be eating a

Home & Garden: Ways to Organize Your Food in a Kitchen Pantry

Ways to Organize Your Food in a Kitchen Pantry

See your pantry's contents better by sorting and organizing by food type.Don Farrall/Photodisc/Getty ImagesStocking your kitchen pantry provides the convenience of having the ingredients you need to prepare meals easily within reach. This convenience can, however, be undermined when the...

Home & Garden: How to Clean an Electra Automatic Blanket

How to Clean an Electra Automatic Blanket

Automatic electric blankets provide warmth while the automatic temperature control and shut off cycle reduces some of the risks associated with electric blankets. Over time and with regular use your automatic electric blanket will become dirty, stained and require a thorough cleaning. Since a heated

Home & Garden: Amazing New High Tech Developments in Home Alarm Systems

Amazing New High Tech Developments in Home Alarm Systems

So what is your idea of a secure alarm system for your home or business? Trip mechanisms on the doors and windows that will sound the alarm if anyone enters? Or maybe sensors under the carpet and door mats that can detect anyone who walks on them after the system has been set?

Home & Garden: There Are Tiny Bugs on the Lights on My Porch

There Are Tiny Bugs on the Lights on My Porch

When temperatures outside stay above freezing at night, seasonal insect activity begins. Drawn to any source of light, nocturnal insects gather around porch lights and security lights near building entryways as well as flying against windows towards the light inside the home. The smallest bugs could

Home & Garden: How to Protect Your Home From a Break-in

How to Protect Your Home From a Break-in

Burglary is one of America's most prevalent crimes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Thieves not only steal a victim's possessions; they may also take a homeowner's sense of safety. Instead of feeling powerless, work to protect your home from a break-in. You can decrease the risk that a

Home & Garden: Improve Home Safety With Alarm Monitoring

Improve Home Safety With Alarm Monitoring

You need a home alarm monitoring company to complement your security system. For companies to work well as a home alarm monitoring company, they need the right combination of good staff and excellent computers. Homeowners need to get value for money since they are paying the companies every month.

Home & Garden: DIY Central Vac System

DIY Central Vac System

By taking away the upright or canister portion of a vacuum cleaner and just leaving the cleaning wands, you make housework much lighter. And that's just what a central vacuum cleaning system does. Instead of lugging a heavy vacuum from room to room, you simply plug the cleaning nozzle into an outlet

Home & Garden: How to Do a Basic Table Setting

How to Do a Basic Table Setting

Entertaining guests with dinner can be a casual or formal experience, but when you know how to present an attractive setting any occasion is enjoyable. Knowing how to set the table for a basic and casual dinner adds to the presentation of your meal and the environment in which you dine. A basic tabl

Home & Garden: Why Does a Smoke Detector Beep With a New Battery?

Why Does a Smoke Detector Beep With a New Battery?

When the smoke detector starts to beep and there is no fire in sight, the most likely problem is a weak battery. But after a new battery goes in and the annoying beeps continue, you will need to look a little deeper into the problem. At worst, you may need to replace your smoke detector, but there a

Home & Garden: How to Steam Clean a Microwave with Wet Paper Towels

How to Steam Clean a Microwave with Wet Paper Towels

If you aren't good about wiping up spills and splatters in your microwave right away, the food can get cooked onto the interior surfaces. A little water and heat can loosen the cooked-on debris, making it easier to wipe away. Use this method to clean your microwave weekly, or to get rid of the most